Those We Know Before We Know Them

A kindred spirit is one who shares like thinking, values, feelings, similar origin, nature, or character. To meet someone with whom you share all these things is quite rare, whether of the opposite sex or not. I've come to call these relationships bound in the spirit, "Sacred Relationships". God has blessed me with many of these over the years. However, there is one sister with who I share an unprecedented spiritual connection. Her name is Becky Nelson McFadden.
What a gift in finally meeting a human being who matches up to the things we read of in God's word about fellowship with like-minded, spirit-led followers of Jesus. But there is more. There is a unique in our thinking...that God has chosen to actually reveal with consistency between us.
The wild thing here is that we originally connected on Facebook! This is where we see the like-mindedness and spiritual unity; in the things we share through this network. the Holy Spirit often speaks of the same subject through us. Our jaws are on the floor most of the time, in awe of how the Lord keeps doing this. It's quite amazing. Then we really get fired up and go back and forth, building on the discussion and end up blogging about something absolutely inspired by God.
Yes, I love the scriptures on the strength of two working together, praying together, and how mightily God can work through two. We are witnessing that truth.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14
If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Philippians 2:1-2
I've experienced this in ways and still do with others in my life who I've known through my fellowship at home. But ours is from across the country and these occurrences of spiritual unity are more frequent. We are both overwhelmed by God's power and goodness for those what seek Him with their whole heart.
"Cherie, really I think God lets us tag team sister. How can we think so many things at the same time? Not just once but everyday. So blessed God brought us to fight this good fight together.I truly feel as though I have another sister from another mother. Amazing. It is amazing that hearts are in the same place miles away." Yes, we are a Tag Team for Jesus! Fighting the Good Fight Together!
This relationship began from a spiritual bond; a God-given gift, spiritually bonded, like-minded, and hearts intertwined. We may have different earthly parents, but we have the same Creator and He has brought us together in the flesh....finally.
Goodness, if she were a man, I think we'd be getting married! That is how evident the Spirit of God has drawn us together right there!
And our friendship expanded into other members of our families. Our life experiences, lifestyles, gifts, passions, and dreams all intertwine. We are family. I can't describe it any clearer than this. Today, we are waiting for the day we get to actually sit down together and experience our sisterhood in person.
My Romans 10 dream revealed my life purpose. My testimony "I'm Telling: The Holy Ghost Dream that Spoke Purpose" describes the night I received this scripture in my sleep. I had not been reading the Bible. As a matter of fact, I had to unpack it from a box in my closet at 3 a.m. in order to know what Romans 10 was even about!
"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" Romans 10:13-15
Becky also received her call with a message from the Lord in Romans 10. Her testimony, Glad Tidings of Good Things, is evidence to the unity in the Spirit that we share.
Receiving the Romans 10 message from the Holy Spirit is really what opened our eyes to our spiritual fellowship. To experience this is one thing, but to have this in common with a complete stranger means God has a plan for us to be united. We are both so eager to walk together as the Lord reveals His purpose along the way in our journey. We refer to one another as 'Beautiful Feet' and 'Message Runner'.
Becky is also a gifted writer who shares testimonies not just of what God has done in her own life, but she is a messenger who passes along the testimonies of others. Praise God! Her blog, Thorns Among the Seed, will inspire and encourage you while bringing tears of joy as well as heartbreak for the hurting.
Becky put together this beautiful video where she shares her journey in Christ, treasured moments with her husband, Bubba, and their children, and other significant images that spoke to her heart. What an honor for her to include me in this tribute to God's love.
My sister and I know the Lord wants us to meet. And, Lord willing, this will take place soon. You better believe I'll be posting here when we do!
I am amazed by this once again girl. I posted my blog reflecting back over this past year. I noticed you posted at 4.00 AM. and I posted mine around 6.00 unaware you were working on this blog.
ReplyDeleteI want every person that reads this to understand, this is a beautiful friendship, Cherie and I have never met and we were complete strangers. The reason we have blogged on this is because this relationship was totally by the hand of God. We have facebook friends that have totally witnessed this.
I am learning more now, that even more than a friendship God has demonstrated a way for us to share jointly in much of our ministries online. I was very reluctant to say ministry up until the last 6 or so months.
It wasn't planned or worked towards, and everyday Cherie and I share most of our topics and postings unaware of what the other is doing. I now check in later and it never fails. The Holy Spirit flows with so much similarities it has been a total miracle.
Online ministries are a great tool for the work of Christ especially for those that are called to write. I do owe a dedt that can't be repaid through these kind of friendships the Lord has led me to. It is quite amazing that my family has witnessed these very things and some of our friends.
I have walked beside Cherie in very trying times of healing from sexual abuse and watched God work wonders in her life and through her. Thank you Jesus for providing us with these kind of friendships that are signed and endorsed by your hands. Through each piercing from hands to feet, we give glory to Christ above all.
We take no credits among ourselves, it is the power of the Holy Spirit we are testifying to and if you have a hunger and desire do not give up. Step away from your comfort area. Love the Lord God with all your heart, soul and mind and then to your neighbor. There is nothing he will not do in your life.
Yes Cherie is my sister from another mother. Thank you Lord for allowing me to minister with her for the complete purpose that you have called, let us stay on that path and to lift one another up, when one can't stand. Let us pray for one another through weakness and strength.
Romans 10:14,15
But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is what the scriptures say, How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news. This testimony is posted under my blog, good tidings of great things. God is good and he is very alive in those that seek him intimately.
Don't believe in our words, believe in his.