The Measure of a Christian Man

God has blessed my life through so many brothers and sisters. Jonathan Payne is not only a brother in Christ, but a beloved friend. Even those words do not accurately convey what he means to me. When you read this, you'll understand.

I can not find a place in scripture that defines a godly man as beautifully as this. There is Proverbs 31 for women; I consider this to be the counterpart for men. Well done as always, Lord; how you speak through Jonathan. I know he certainly does not take the credit.

Posted By J. D. Payne On March 10, 2010 @ 4:37 pm In The Personal Journal of J. D. Payne

Today is my birthday, as well as my Dad’s birthday (we are born on the same day), and I have had time to reflect on a few things. A long time back I had posted this article on a Christian forum. The people I posted this to and for, only had one question: what does it mean to be a Christian man in a world of sin? And what does it take to be an image of Christ to your family, friends and associates on a daily basis?

In other words, what is the measure of a man of faith?

So today I revisit that post here. The following was my response: I read some of the responses on some of the Christian forums and my heart grieves at the pain that is so readily apparent—to those who will acknowledge it. I read the disappointments, the hurts, the bitterness and the anger of those who have been hurt by their relationships [1], both online, and in their real lives. Whether it’s a marriage, friendships or just a passing acquaintance, we expect as Christians that those who walk with us in our faith to be different, better and more than the world. And this is a reasonable expectation.

And it is especially expected of the Christian man.

However, as a man I often find myself judged and sentenced by reason of my gender even before I even have an opportunity to communicate or interact with others, especially Christian, or even non-Christian women. The barriers that have been built up by many of them, through the trials and tribulations of life, are sometimes difficult, if not impossible, to penetrate. The love, compassion and companionship [2] that that could be offered is oftentimes questioned, deemed suspect—and ultimately considered a false promise without merit.

We as Christian men should strive to be much more than our worldly counterparts. We should show a deep love of all things godly and good. We should cherish those we love with a real and tangible love that is demonstrated openly and transparently, so that it can be seen by all as a testimony of our faith. Christ’s example was a love that people could see, feel and KNOW was real. His love was a healing balm to those that drew near to Him, and were in His presence.

When others are in our presence they should feel that same love. This love should give comfort and security to those who come to know us, and draw those closer who do not know us. We should be the rock that others can count on in the storms of life, not another gale force wind joining in the chaos. We should simply learn and be—love.

There is a concept that holds true in this, it is called First Cause. It simply means that most things are just an expression of symptoms, conditions or extension of what the real cause, first cause, really is. For example if you have a deep seated anger, it may express itself in angry retorts, intolerance of others opinions or beliefs, or a myriad of other ways. But it is first cause that created the anger itself that is being acted upon. The situation in which it expresses itself may be far from the real issue that the individual may be dealing with internally.

When love is first cause, it will have a bounty of wonderful fruits (of the spirit). There will be patience with others’ opinions and expressed beliefs (whether we agree with them or not), a peace in the midst of the chaos of life, there will be an abundant joy, there will be support for loved ones, friends and even the stranger on the street and many other things. As men of God, we have a responsibility [3] to express these fruits, these character traits that love builds into our lives. Therefore we must make the foundation of our lives that Christ-filled, God-ordained love. Love as first cause heals all wounds and binds all hurts, and offers none of these in return.

Is it no wonder that many men are lonely and without love in their lives, if they refuse to express that selfsame love? “You reap what you sow” is not just a biblical adage, it is a biblical truth. Even the world understands that “what goes around will come around”, what we should be letting “go around” in our lives is that love Jesus Christ stated is the sign of a godly man, his love one towards another. He gave it as a commandment that we must love one another. He also stated that it is the love for God, with all our being and soul, and our love for our fellow man, that all else is based upon.

This is not about emasculating men, in any measure, with a weak and perverse type of love that is of the world. It takes a strong man of God to love completely, totally and purely in this world. To express love, regardless of the conditions of life, takes courage, fortitude and an attitude of Christ. Realize that in making a decision to love you will be tested, for the world abhors the things of God and will come against you in all it’s fury. But like our Lord Jesus Christ, who loved those who were taking His very life on the cross, we must stand our ground and continue to love, even our enemies. That takes a very strong, courageous and powerful man of God.

So what is the true measure of a man? His capacity to love…

Be blessed, be loved and be at peace, may the light of God’s presence and glory fire the brilliance of your soul.

~ Jonathan


  1. For a man that fights pain everyday of his life. Endures and feels compassion in spite of all the difficulties. Jonathan has helped me in many ways as well to examine myself and my petty complaints and my attitudes towards others and a more selfless approach to love others as well.

    Jonathan is one of the ministers I would call on in my time of need. He is sound in scripture and demonstrates great humility through what he councils others with. He is a Pastor as well. I know when I ask him something or I have been confused in areas, his discussions have cleared up many things and led me to scriptures.

    We keep him in prayer, he is in constant pain but still continues to teach and demonstrate his love of Christ. He to was a prodigal son and his testimony is miraculous to say the least. One of the most profound testimonies I have ever heard. Keeping him in my prayers daily and for God to continue to keep him comforted in all his afflictions.

    Jonathan is a Pillar to online ministries and is a true witness for Christ. Looking at the word witness, this word means martyr. One that is selfless enough to endure enormous amounts of pain and to still shine the love of Christ. I long for this type of faith and what an example of Christ's love he has demonstrated to all of us that know and love him.


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