Honor and Prayer For The Independence of These United States of America

Our family is not filled with war veterans. Even my father, who served in the U.S. Army, did not have to deploy to Viet Nam with the rest of his unit. He fought to stay behind with his pregnant wife. My sister was born two days after my father received a dishonorable discharge. My father's entire unit was lost in Viet Nam. Am I glad my dad did what he did? Yes. This is pretty much all I really know about military service within my family.
For the first half of my life, I also took my independence for granted. I suppose if their was more of a military presence in my life, it would be different. Many of the men who we knew were against the Viet Nam War and the draft. It was not until I met an amazing group of men who rode with the Viet Nam Vets M/C that I came to fully understand my freedoms.
It was Memorial Day 2000 and I was invited to camp with close to five hundred members of the Viet Nam Vets M/C and their families. First, we rode in formation down to the California State Capital to pay our respects at the Viet Nam Veterans Memorial. I listened to many of these men and their families pray and tell stories of their tours. Upon returning to the VFW, we ate dinner and gathered around a huge camp fire. We pledged our allegiance to the flag and then the music started. Soon, several hundred war veterans began singing,
"I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free. And I wont forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. And I gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today. Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land, God bless the USA!"
Here's a great video celebrating the Declaration of Independence. It's a fun watch. Please note how the pursuit of happiness is ranked right up there with liberties and freedoms in the minds of our Founding Fathers. Being able to have a life filled with happiness was a big deal for the world's populace at the time. It's still important today…
“Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.” Matthew 12:25
Our nation is in such turmoil and even dividing itself, once again. While our troops continue to fight for our freedoms and that of neighboring nations, our own government continues to strip away our freedoms. Not only are we at war but we now contend with the catastrophe in the Gulf Coast with BP Oil to distract our National Guard from protecting our borders and our freedoms. While all of this takes place, our greatest defense is prayer...our greatest need is repentance.
Oh Father ~ I know there is inconceivable suffering all around this scarred world of our's, but right now my heart is breaking for my country, this great United States of America... only we are NOT united, nor are we truly great any longer. All the prosperity we have, all the blessing we've enjoyed, have been provided by Your Hand alone; yet in our incredible arrogance we've declared You unnecessary and inmaterial to our existence. Dear Lord, how foolish can we be?! What grieves me more is the silence from Your children -- a silence that has ultimately allowed the passing of laws that are nothing more than abominations to You. Because we were quiet, millions of precious lives have been lost before ever taking a breath. Because we were quiet, men and women can now live in approved and society-sanctioned lifestyles that ultimately destroy their souls. Yet when we weren't silent, O dear Lord, when we DID speak, we spoke with self-righteousness, condemnation and yes, even malice -- and that's not just how we treat the "lost," that's how we treat each other, too! How can we show our nation Your love when we do not love each other? How can we speak Your truth when we don't act in truth? It is for freedom that You have set us free, Lord Jesus, yet we don't walk in freedom! O Father Above, forgive Your children! Please, please forgive us. Strip away our willful pride and cleanse us from our unforgiving, bitter hearts. Give us "hearts of flesh" and remove our hearts of stone. Then, Mighty God, wake us up! Unite us and call us to our knees in repentence and sorrow. May we become the "watchmen on the tower" this nation desperately needs. A sword of judgment is coming; yet, dear Lord, our Lord, we cry out to You on behalf of our leaders, our government, our nation. Bring a mighty awakening to this dark land, a revival among Your people. May this president, this congress, become the most liberal in proclaiming Your Word as true, declaring Your glory as Creator, Savior, King of Kings, Lord of Lords! We do not deserve Your mercy, but still we pray for it. We cry out, dear Lord, for the restoration of our waters which have been poisoned by the rape of this earth. Our prayers go out to all those who've lost loved ones or are now enduring great suffering from the catastrophe on the Gulf Coast. Draw our soldiers near to your heart Lord, as they fight on foreign soil. Reveal yourself to them, Lord, and return them to their families, unharmed. For the sake of Your Name, Lord Jesus, please have mercy on our nation. Amen
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