Emotional Inventory: Age 13

It is time to walk through another season of healing. As I began writing out the emotional inventory of my life, I was led to begin with age thirteen. The first thing that came to mind was this being the year my virginity was lost. As I wrote out the story, I really did not relive emotions from that night. Once I finished the story, I recalled feelings I had before, during, and after that intimate night with a man who was five years older than me; a man who never loved me. I finally did break down and cry. Friends sent encouraging words and scripture as I ventured into this dark time of my life.

"God is with you through this, Cherie."

Though I slept well, I woke the next day with angst in my heart. All I seemed to do was complain. I ended up lashing out at two dear friends. As I reached out and apologized to them, it became clear to me what was happening. These deep-seeded emotions had risen in me, and I was trying to figure out how to process them. The thing is, we are not supposed to process these things on our own. Jesus is my companion; the lover of my soul. His Spirit it within me, and all I have to do is seek Him through prayer, praise, or worship, and the light shines into the darkness. As I continued through the rest of my work day, I kept my praise and worship music going. This always helps calm the soul.

✞ Jesus is so amazing, my friends ♥ Holy Spirit sent so many to pray for me, call me, and encourage me. His love poured upon me through so many brothers and sisters ♥ God's love covered me into the night. As I rested and meditated on the emotions rising from my 'age 13 inventory', the Holy Spirit used three different people on Facebook to speak the same message.

One friend posted Psalm 139:7-10. We had a wonderful time connecting this scripture to the theme of The Runaway Bunny.

“Where can I go from your Spirit?

Where can I flee from your presence?

If I go up to the heavens, you are there;

If I make my bed in the depths, you are there.

If I rise on the wings of the dawn,

If I settle on the far side of the sea,

Even there your hand will guide me,

Your right hand will hold me fast.”

Psalm 139:7-10

Right after that, another friend posted v5-6 from the very same Psalm! "You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand!"

Then a friend from church sent me an ecard which read, "When you think you are alone, there is always a Shepherd next to you." How true is this?!

So... I went to bed with the Holy Spirit ministering to my heart in such a lovely way. God is with us. I will not ever deny that. His power is too real to deny the truth in the Spirit and in the Word.

Upon waking the next morning, God's love continued with a song over me, "Your Love Never Fails". I was actually singing these lyrics when I woke, "there may be pain in the night, but joy comes in the morning..your love never fails".

The first line in this beautiful song of worship starts, "Nothing can separate, even if I ran away. Your love never fails." It goes with the Runaway Bunny message and Psalm 139!!

So, no matter what, we are never alone in these open seas. When the oceans rage, His love covers us and sustains us. I see now the significance of praising him through the storms.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Cherie,
    I am so glad that you posted this blog of God's special comfort for you. I love that you mentioned our moment of your introducing me to "The Runaway Bunny" and your sharing with me the awesome way it related to Psalms 139:7-10 and God's ever constant love for us. It was a sweet moment for me and I am glad it is recorded on your blog in such a creative way. I will enjoy reflecting back on it many times I am sure.

    I was also blessed at how God continued His whispers of love to you last night through two other friends and how He started your day with a love song between the two of you. As I ponder on the love between you and our Father, the saying "Ain't love grand?" comes to my mind.

    Another thought God gives me is how love is all the sweeter when we can share our joy with others. You know what I mean. There are times that you might share something special or exciting in your life with someone and you can tell by the blank look on their face that they just don't get it. It's not that they don't care...but for some reason, at that moment they are not able to share your joy like you'd hoped they would. But, Praise to our Abba Father, there are those times when you share your "special something" with someone and low and behold you find that friend jumping in with two feet to dance in rhythm with your joy!

    Well, sweet sister, though you didn't know it till reading this now, I found myself dancing with you this morning! I felt the joy in your heart and the love between you and our Father so strongly that I found myself doing a "happy dance" while reading your blog.

    Cherie, you are more than a gifted writer, you are a gifted historian for the sake of God's kingdom. I'm sure the number of women (and men) that have shared in your moments of excitement or special reflections of God's working in your life are many. This kind of spiritual encouragement is a wonderful thing to receive and I am so thankful God led me all the way from my coast to yours and gifted me with your friendship. With a wink and a smile I can assure you that you have many friends that share my gratefulness and have in their own ways joined you in many a "happy dance" after reading your stories of God's work in your life.

    I'll always be there to do the happy dance with you.

    Your bunny friend that has done her share of running from her "Bunny Mother/Abba Father" but has turned her running shoes in and is enjoying her dancing feet,
    Cindy Leigh

  3. Me again...I am the "author" who removed her first post. I forgot to edit it...and of course you know me...I can't take a word out without adding twenty more. That brevity thing again...I just can't get a hold of it! That is why you will always be the blogger/writer and why I'll always remain the commenter. =)

  4. Cindy! Thank you so much for your endearing words. They are not just words, but lovely whispers of encouragement and love from your heart in Christ.

    'a gifted historian for the sake of God's kingdom' is an excellent way to look at the telling of the amazing signs and wonders the Lord has chosen to reveal to me. I know it is from Him because of the passion and urgency that pours from me when I write from the Spirit. Praise God!!

    My dear friend. You are also a very gifted writer. Only you and the lord know your calling and how He will choose to use your gifts, however, I see your writing as one way the Lord uses you already! Your comments create a story. Love you dearly ♥


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