Hi, How Are You? Can I Trust You and Did GOD Bring You Here?
"Take a moment to introduce yourself to someone next to you."
I used to dread that time in church. I would think, "Do I really have to do this? Is this really necessary? I came here to hear from God, not meet people who are going to judge me." Believe it or not, these were my thoughts as I lived in bondage to debilitating shame and fear. First of all, the person next to me appeared to be very different from me.
My tattoos drew her attention to my chest.
Honestly, I thought we'd moved beyond the stigma associated with body art.
Next were my feet. I've never had a 'pedi'.
Rejection and shame set in deeper than before. "What is going on here? I thought I was in church! Why am I feeling rejected? Do I belong here, because I sure do feel like an outcast."
In forming opinions, there is no moral overtone, no further conclusions are drawn, no inferences are made about the person’s character. We develop a perception from our observation. Add “therefore” to the equation and we are likely to be judgmental.
“He talks very slowly,” (observation), “therefore, he must be stupid” is a judgmental conclusion. Perception + Therefore = Judgment = Unsafe
If you look out for your own “therefores” you are less likely to sit in judgment over your neighbor. This keeps the relationship safe for everyone.
Don't we walk into a church expecting to find safe haven? Shouldn't we all grasp that each of us is broken and far from perfect? Why don't we embrace that and stand together without prideful hearts and criticisms of our neighbor? We must learn to be safe and to take off our masks. Let's get real with one another. I do see this happening, so praise God! There is an awakening taking place in the church. I believe God is working on His children to embrace relationships, not hide from them. After all, He works through us. He speaks through us.
Often, it is through relationships with others that we hear from God...or even find GOD!
For years, I wore masks in order to fit in and belong. When I took off those masks, I put on new ones, even though I was getting a bit closer to revealing who Cherie really was. Since then, a few years have passed. Thank you Jesus, for delivering me from this and revealing my true identity!
Today, I get excited to meet the person next to me in church. When the chains of shame are broken, there is more freedom in relationships; both with God and our neighbor. When you're in a setting, whether in church, a conference, or even standing in line at the movies, you'll never know if the person next to you is 'meant' to be there, or if you are 'meant' to be next to that person....unless you actually meet. One of you...BOTH of you, TOGETHER, could be a part of God's divine plan!

As we select our seat in church, it is usually the same spot where we feel most comfortable. It is where our other friends know where to find us. When we are meeting someone at church, they have a compass.
Well, what if we pray and let the ushers select our seat for us next time. I bet the Holy Spirit is holding each seat open for very specific encounters! Think about how God orchestrates His appointments. Maybe He has a surprise in store, and not just from the pulpit or worship team. I let God usher me to my seat now, rather than heading to my same spot. Yes, I do take the opportunity to sit with my friends from time to time, because it is such a joy to stand in worship together. I also love to be blown away at God's seat assignments! I've had so many of them!
I attended a women's conference with a friend, recently. Sheila Walsh was the guest speaker, and we were both so excited to be there. My friend told me we were to meet another woman she'd met in a group. Her friend had selected seats for us, up front. That's my favorite spot, and it always has been, so I was pretty excited.
"Take a moment to introduce yourself to someone next to you."
The woman behind me shined a great big smile as we exchanged names. Then she asked me, "Do you attend church here at Bayside?"
No, I go to Lakeside Church.
Lakeside? She smiled bigger. I just met with Brad, your pastor, this afternoon.
Really! How is Brad doing today?
Great. We met about the pregnancy center I work for. We're going to lease one of the office suites next to the block.
Pregnancy Center? "Alternatives" Pregnancy Center?
More smiles... Yes! Jennifer looked at me as if to ask how I could possibly know this.
I work for Powerhouse Ministries. I'm good friends with Christi.
No way! Wow! What do you do for Powerhouse?
I write and administer grants...and finance.
What? You write grants? Oh my goodness, you are not going to believe this...
Today, I was attempting to write this $50,000 grant and just had to push it aside. I don't know anything about writing grants. I prayed to God, "Please, Lord, just send me someone who can write this grant." Are you for hire?
Uh...sure! I can always do it on the side.
So, here we both were, in awe of what just happened. Not only were we supposed to share our names, but we were instructed to share with one another the one thing we hoped to get out of the conference this weekend. I told Jennifer, if the Holy Spirit is starting things off like this, I can't wait to see what more is coming!
Relationship is not what the devil wants. He tries to prevent and sabotage relationships, if anything; even between us and God. The words of another living in Christ can bring healing. Satan prefers us to remain in shame and isolation, to remain behind our masks, and not experience richness and healing through others.
Since I've taken off my mask, and opened myself up to people, I've experienced so many divine connections. Allowing the Holy Spirit to lead me to others is exciting. Now, it is with great anticipation that I hang on to whatever piece of information I hear, expecting God to show up!
I used to dread that time in church. I would think, "Do I really have to do this? Is this really necessary? I came here to hear from God, not meet people who are going to judge me." Believe it or not, these were my thoughts as I lived in bondage to debilitating shame and fear. First of all, the person next to me appeared to be very different from me.
My tattoos drew her attention to my chest.
Honestly, I thought we'd moved beyond the stigma associated with body art.
Next were my feet. I've never had a 'pedi'.
Rejection and shame set in deeper than before. "What is going on here? I thought I was in church! Why am I feeling rejected? Do I belong here, because I sure do feel like an outcast."
In forming opinions, there is no moral overtone, no further conclusions are drawn, no inferences are made about the person’s character. We develop a perception from our observation. Add “therefore” to the equation and we are likely to be judgmental.
“He talks very slowly,” (observation), “therefore, he must be stupid” is a judgmental conclusion. Perception + Therefore = Judgment = Unsafe
If you look out for your own “therefores” you are less likely to sit in judgment over your neighbor. This keeps the relationship safe for everyone.
Don't we walk into a church expecting to find safe haven? Shouldn't we all grasp that each of us is broken and far from perfect? Why don't we embrace that and stand together without prideful hearts and criticisms of our neighbor? We must learn to be safe and to take off our masks. Let's get real with one another. I do see this happening, so praise God! There is an awakening taking place in the church. I believe God is working on His children to embrace relationships, not hide from them. After all, He works through us. He speaks through us.
Often, it is through relationships with others that we hear from God...or even find GOD!
For years, I wore masks in order to fit in and belong. When I took off those masks, I put on new ones, even though I was getting a bit closer to revealing who Cherie really was. Since then, a few years have passed. Thank you Jesus, for delivering me from this and revealing my true identity!
Today, I get excited to meet the person next to me in church. When the chains of shame are broken, there is more freedom in relationships; both with God and our neighbor. When you're in a setting, whether in church, a conference, or even standing in line at the movies, you'll never know if the person next to you is 'meant' to be there, or if you are 'meant' to be next to that person....unless you actually meet. One of you...BOTH of you, TOGETHER, could be a part of God's divine plan!

As we select our seat in church, it is usually the same spot where we feel most comfortable. It is where our other friends know where to find us. When we are meeting someone at church, they have a compass.
Well, what if we pray and let the ushers select our seat for us next time. I bet the Holy Spirit is holding each seat open for very specific encounters! Think about how God orchestrates His appointments. Maybe He has a surprise in store, and not just from the pulpit or worship team. I let God usher me to my seat now, rather than heading to my same spot. Yes, I do take the opportunity to sit with my friends from time to time, because it is such a joy to stand in worship together. I also love to be blown away at God's seat assignments! I've had so many of them!
I attended a women's conference with a friend, recently. Sheila Walsh was the guest speaker, and we were both so excited to be there. My friend told me we were to meet another woman she'd met in a group. Her friend had selected seats for us, up front. That's my favorite spot, and it always has been, so I was pretty excited.
"Take a moment to introduce yourself to someone next to you."
The woman behind me shined a great big smile as we exchanged names. Then she asked me, "Do you attend church here at Bayside?"
No, I go to Lakeside Church.
Lakeside? She smiled bigger. I just met with Brad, your pastor, this afternoon.
Really! How is Brad doing today?
Great. We met about the pregnancy center I work for. We're going to lease one of the office suites next to the block.
Pregnancy Center? "Alternatives" Pregnancy Center?
More smiles... Yes! Jennifer looked at me as if to ask how I could possibly know this.
I work for Powerhouse Ministries. I'm good friends with Christi.
No way! Wow! What do you do for Powerhouse?
I write and administer grants...and finance.
What? You write grants? Oh my goodness, you are not going to believe this...
Today, I was attempting to write this $50,000 grant and just had to push it aside. I don't know anything about writing grants. I prayed to God, "Please, Lord, just send me someone who can write this grant." Are you for hire?
Uh...sure! I can always do it on the side.
So, here we both were, in awe of what just happened. Not only were we supposed to share our names, but we were instructed to share with one another the one thing we hoped to get out of the conference this weekend. I told Jennifer, if the Holy Spirit is starting things off like this, I can't wait to see what more is coming!
Relationship is not what the devil wants. He tries to prevent and sabotage relationships, if anything; even between us and God. The words of another living in Christ can bring healing. Satan prefers us to remain in shame and isolation, to remain behind our masks, and not experience richness and healing through others.
Since I've taken off my mask, and opened myself up to people, I've experienced so many divine connections. Allowing the Holy Spirit to lead me to others is exciting. Now, it is with great anticipation that I hang on to whatever piece of information I hear, expecting God to show up!
Oh my goodness Cherie! Awesome, awesome post. I hate those "greet the person next to you" things....let me rephrase that...I used to hate those....you have definitely changed my view on this one. How many times have I experience the same thing recognizing it was the Holy Spirit working? Yet I failed to take the next step to make myself more available for these encounters. Never again. God...usher away! ~~
ReplyDeleteI use to feel this way also when I would go to church and now I can't wait to hug those that I have come to know and when I see a new person, it excites me, not because of attendance but prayers go out and hoping the Holy Spirit will speak to them. I use to hate it when a complete stranger would say I love you, my human side would say no you don't you don't even know me. When you come to love Jesus, yes you do love people. Those you have known and also a stanger. I pray that everytime I see a new person. I am no longer withdrawing myself because of shame.