Divine Connections: Meeting Jeannene

We've all heard of the six degrees of separation, also referred to as the "Human Web". This refers to the idea that, if a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is at most six steps away from any other person on Earth. I am bound to everyone on this planet by a trail of six people? It sounds absurd, but then again, this theory has proven to be pretty accurate in my life. It really is a small world.

Adding to this theory, it is also my belief that Jesus orchestrates the crossing of paths of these six individuals. It is carefully planned and executed in His perfect divine timing. The spiritual realm and the power of the Holy Spirit add even more substance to this whole concept of divine appointments (or connections). I've experienced some doozies. Meeting my sister in Christ, Jeannene, is one excellent example.

It all started with Facebook. I love Facebook. Not only do I have many Facebook Friends, but Facebook is my friend.

When I joined the "Christian Writers' Guild" Facebook group, I quickly connected with Charla Apana, who is another awesome soul sister. Through her, I joined another group, "Warriors In Prayer". After participating in a few group discussions, I connected with the creator of the group, directly. Jeannene was on fire for the Lord!

A couple weeks after joining Warriors In Prayer, I went to a Newsboys show. The concert was located about an hour away. My girlfriend and I sat in front of two other women. During the show, the four of us took pictures for each other with our cameras, and enjoyed the worship which lasted almost three hours. At one point, I was asked not to do any video recording of the show. I didn't understand that one, as there were many others with video cameras. But, oh well, it was a moment orchestrated to recollect the events of the evening. We just did not know it yet!

My friend and I left the concert without ever introducing ourselves to the two other women behind us. The four of us had an amazing time praising and worshiping God together!

A week later, I commented on Jeannene's picture of the Newsboys tour poster on her wall:

"I just went to see the Join The Tribe Tour last week at Calvary Temple in Modesto, CA. It was amazing! Newsboys had already made their change, Peter left Newsboys and now Michael Tait from DC Talk is their front man. Didn't want the show to end!"

"I was There!!!!! I wish we could have met! Wasn't it Awesome!!!"

"Really?!! Were you there with a girlfriend..taking pics with your cam phones?"

"O MY GOODNESS!!!! She was my Cousin....She is on here on FB. Do you remember us?? Did we sit by each other?? (Too Funny)!!

"I got my hand slapped for video recording the show! Was that you?!!!! We all took pics for each other? My GF, Angel, was with me. Soooooo amazing if we DID meet!!! Tell me it's you!!!"

"O....THIS IS TOO AMAZING... Yes, were you sitting in the front row, but our section was towards the back. My cousin and I both have long dark hair...my cousin is taller then I. And Yes, I remember you video taping and the lady came up to you and told you not to do that. We were sitting behind you guys and during the break ask if you could take our picture with my camera phone. We kept trying to get a good shot...but it was dark. haha! .... Are you Serious?!!! Was that really you two ladies?? My cousin thought you two were soooo sweet. And you guys were totally dancing, getting into the Concert.....(so were we)!!!

"Totally a God thing!!! I love when He does stuff like this!! Yep, we were all rockin out!! Another FB testimony! ~ I'll make sure Angel knows too! She's going to be totally blown away! Suggest me as a friend to your cousin and I'll do the same with Angel! Awesome Jeannene!!"

Since then, Jeannene and I have nurtured our new friendship, spending time in fellowship as often as our busy days allow. I give thanks to God for crossing our paths!

I don't know about you, but when things like this take place, I wake up to the reality of how big God really is. It reminds me how close He is to me, watching me and planning it all out. He knows the desires of my heart and has brought me another true soul sister.

I have so many more similar testimonies. How about you? I would love to hear about a divine connection God orchestrated in your life!


  1. SOOOOO! AWESOME, and I will NEVER forget what God as put in motions for us as sister's in the Lord!! What a blessing to be introduced to you by God. That is a GREATER Introduction then anyone can ever imagine or hope for. :) Love you sister...

  2. Wow! I've had things like that happen as well. My favorite is a woman I met on a trip to Cancun. We didn't get to see each other again for 7 years. During that time, she became a believer and God used her to renew my faith! I blogged about it at: http://onlysonicido.blogspot.com/
    (scroll HALF way down the page...

  3. God is our Divine Creative Director, isn't he!!

    I will check out your blog, Soni. I love amazing stories of how God works!


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