The Face of Sibling Sexual Abuse

Well, I was never molested by a sibling. However, my aunt was raped by her brother. It was a secret that my uncle carried to his grave not too long ago. This same uncle was one of my perpetrators as well, at the age of fifteen; another secret he took with him. I am certain there are many others. The thing is, these secrets still live on in the hearts and minds of the victims.
Donna, was only twelve years old when Dave, her sixteen year old half brother, raped her in her bedroom late one night. Their father, my grandfather, worked late nights every night of the week. She tried fighting him off, but he was drunk and too strong for her petite 5' frame.
The horrible attack remained a secret between the two of them. Dave went on his merry way, living the life of a womanizer, drug addict, drug dealer, thief, and alcoholic. Donna, on the other hand, felt dirty, ashamed, and even blamed her promiscuity for the rape. Her brother continued to abuse her in other ways for several years. My grandfather was oblivious, as he was never around. When he was, he was drunk. Donna later endured further trauma at the age of sixteen, when her father was brutally kidnapped and murdered.
It is a miracle my Aunt Donna is alive today. I do not know how to contact her. She lives her life in isolation, away from the entire family. Donna is forty-nine years old. Throughout her life, she's prostituted herself, lived as a functioning heroin addict, attempted suicide multiple times, and suffered additional rapes and beatings. This is one face of Sibling Sexual Abuse.
This reminds me of the story of Tamar, who was raped by Amnon, her brother. ~ 2 Samuel 13:1-22
Here is an excellent resource on the topic. Sibling Sexual Abuse - A Parent's Guide contains valuable and insightful information, worthy of sharing with everyone you know. The booklet is written for parents who know or suspect there is sibling abuse in their family and want to do something about it. It's also written for parents who want to understand and prevent sibling sexual abuse in their family.
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