Getting To Know The Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit....Do you know Him ?
The subject of the Holy Spirit is one of the most misunderstood and misinterpreted subjects today. However, the Holy Spirit is real. He desires to work through you so that you can experience the power that God ordained... every Christian to have and use in these days.
Gaining an understanding of who the Holy Spirit is, and who is not, is critical in order to experience His presence and power. The Holy Spirit is not a feeling or an emotion. Although, His presence can stir up emotions within you. When you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit comes to live in your heart; it becomes His dwelling place.
As you learn to yield to Him, you will find yourself walking out God's plan for your life. In addition, you will experience supernatural power and breakthrough like never before.
Jesus explains the function of the Holy Spirit in John 16:7, "Nevertheless I tell you the truth: It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.".
Jesus knew He would have to leave in order for the Holy Spirit to come to the earth. Now that the Holy Spirit is here, and dwelling in every member of the body of Christ, the power of God can flow to an even greater extent than when Jesus walked the earth !
The Holy Spirit is the motivator, energizer and operator of every revealed plan or vision from God. He is also the revealer of the hidden treasures of the Kingdom of God and holds the key to the inheritance that we have. He is the most valuable asset to Christian living, and yet many times, believers don't know enough about Him to really take advantage of what He can do in their lives.
It is imperative that you know how to distinguish the Holy Spirit's voice. That "hunch" or inner feeling you have inside that is either directing you or telling you not to do something is the Holy Spirit. You can develop a discernment of His voice through studying and meditating on the Word of God. He will never say anything to you that doesn't line up with the written Word, so studying the Bible is essential to your recognizing His voice.
It may take some time to become proficient in recognizing His voice, but as you develop, pay attention to whether or not you have peace in your spirit about something you are about to do. If you don't, most likely the Holy Spirit is warning you not to proceed.
When you acknowledge the Holy Spirit and commune with Him on a daily basis, He will show you mysteries and the secret plans of God for your life. Jeremiah 33:3 says, "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." He will guide you into your destiny when you allow Him to direct your decisions.
You can cultivate your relationship with the Holy Spirit by praising God, praying and singing spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:19). Doing these things helps to build your spirit and makes you more sensitive to His presence. Invite Him into every situation and atmosphere in which you find yourself. When you acknowledge Him this way, He will be able to move in your life.
Since the Holy Spirit was sent to help guide and direct your life, it is important that you set aside time every day to fellowship with Him. Talk with Him as you would a close friend or family member. Let Him know your concerns and confess the Scriptures. He will give you the revelation, insight and enlightenment you need to lead you into the good life God has prepared for you.
Developing a relationship with the Holy Spirit is going to cost you something. It will mean getting up to pray when you don't feel like it and letting go of old habits and mind sets that oppose God's Word. But when you create an environment in which the Holy Spirit can dwell, you will reap the rich rewards of your relationship with Him.
Are you willing to pay the price to know the Holy Spirit in you ?
Oh yes, I'm ready to pay the price! Nothing in this world compares to the Holy Spirit. I don't know what I'd do without Him. I love your wording here...
ReplyDelete"But when you create an environment in which the Holy Spirit can dwell, you will reap the rich rewards of your relationship with Him."
He is my best fiend. Really great post:) Blessings!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you posted this. Many do not understand the power behind the Holy Spirit and what is was meant for and how it can work perfectly in our lives when we yield to it. It is the revealer of truth. It motivates and heals us and will stop us dead in our tracks when we are heading in the wrong direction. People are afraid of what they don't understand. Thank you for your post.
Thanks Lori and Becky ~ It is so difficult to explain in terms that the non-believer can understand. Many believers do not even get it. It is something that all ministry and church leaders really should teach. Can you imagine if all really did get it and were led by the spirit in all things?
ReplyDeleteIt all registers in my deepest places..thank you!