Divine Appointments: The Carpenter's House
Do you ever get a feeling in you so strong that you must act on it? I mean a real urgency like you have to do something right away? I am not talking about keeping an appointment or deadline, but a nudge.
Like an unknown something or someone is waiting for you?
The ocean was calling me again... It was more than longing for the coastal air, the velvety warm sand, and the majesty of the crashing ocean waves. God's Spirit summoned me. It is where I met Jesus and it is where I return for my solitude with Him. So, when I 'feel' the whisper in me growing in intensity, I go.
Solitude with God was a must. There was a special conversation I wanted to have with Him concerning my soul mate.
Hmmm...Saturday or Sunday? Northern coast or Pacific Grove?
As I pondered all of this, the Lord went before me and even spoke to the heart of a friend.
You have searched me, LORD, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, LORD, know it completely. You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. Psalm 139:1-10
Suddenly I had an invite to a three day women's conference which started Sunday evening. Where? At The Carpenter's House in Seaside, of course! As my friend began to describe the details, I knew I had to be at this conference. How interesting that Holy Spirit spoke to HER soul mate who nudged her to invite me.
Faith Women's Fellowship holds these retreats each year, led by a dear friend and sister in Christ, Barbara Donaldson. Over sixteen years had passed since I'd seen her. Barbara prayed over my sister when she met Jesus. A month later, Barbara officiated Jami's homegoing.
I KNEW God had something for me there and it was urgent.
The drive took me all the way to Pacific Grove. Spending the afternoon there was a blessed time. For the first time, I had a heart to heart with the Lord about my soul mate. Lying in the sand, I wrote my letter to Jesus about my future husband...
Another friend had advised me to begin by making a very specific list, so I thoughtfully listed some godly attributes. She also told me I should be prepared to meet the same criteria. These nuggets of wisdom continued to shine into my list as I continued to write.
As I thought about things we would do together, I wrote, "Drawn to worship at the ocean".
I looked out over the water. My heart drew close to the Lord. In that moment, Holy Spirit gave me the rest of my list:
God's Spirit moved me to pray for protection and blessing over my husband. A genuine belief God is indeed preparing our paths so we may be united came upon me so strong. "Protect him, Jesus! As he seeks you, may he walk in obedience to the way you call him so he may find me. Guide his steps and let his heart hear mine."
Holy Spirit has my soul mate on a journey, as He does me. As a believer, we have guidance of Holy Spirit through God's perfect, complete revelation. His Divine wisdom offers us an invaluable advantage. We are foolish to think our wisdom (man's wisdom)is as good or better.
It was important to arrive at The Carpenter's House a bit early so I could have a few minutes of Barbara's time. What a blessing to have her share some tidbits of her memory of my sister from years ago. Barbara recalled some of Jami's moments before she received Jesus into her heart. My sister sat right next to Barbara in the front row. Since Barbara was the guest speaker, it was highly unusual for anyone to be seated there. Of course the Lord planted my sister right next to her. Barbara shared that Jami was just chattering away, telling her she did not know why she was there, aside from her sister (me) telling her she just had to come.
Barbara's face beamed and tears began streaming down both of our cheeks as she recalled how Jami's encounter with Jesus became the shining light of the entire retreat that year at Mission Springs. Surely, if the Lord had 'a moment' for me, this was it!
But no, there was more...
I arrived there alone and sat behind another woman who was also waiting for her friends to arrive. Irene turned to me and asked me where I was from. I told her I was from Sacramento because not too many people know of Fair Oaks. Irene was from Stockton. Irene also drives over an hour every other week to attend a wonderful spirit filled church in Sacramento. How perfect! Maybe we could go to church together some time! Yes, that would be delightful, she said. Actually, this little church is located in a town called Fair Oaks. You take Hwy 50 to the Sunrise exit. Are you familiar?
Am I familiar...Wow, Jesus, you are amazing!
Resurrection Life of Jesus Church is where I am supposed to visit very soon. Irene described this church as being filled with devout spirit-filled followers.
Irene and I were in awe, as you can imagine. We knew the Lord had appointed this very moment for us to connect. So, we continued to share all we could about our gifts, what the Lord had put upon our hearts, and what brought us all the way down to Seaside.
I believe the Lord sent Irene to deliver a very special message to me. While He was at it, there were tears of joy between Barbara and I. All of this after my intimate talk with Jesus about finding my soul mate.
As the program started, Barbara described the conference theme: "Jewels of God"
She shared this word put upon her heart..
You are His jewel and called to show forth His glory. You shine because of what the Lord has put in you. Release your faith to receive the Lord's abundant provision. Your reward in heaven will be those who you led to Jesus. They will be jewels in your crown.
Regarding the 'faithful remnant', "Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another,and the LORD listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the LORD and who meditate on His name. “ They shall be Mine,” says the LORD of hosts, “On the day that I make them My jewels. And I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him.” Malachi 3:16-17
"They will sparkle in His hand like jewels in a crown." Zechariah 9:16
Like an unknown something or someone is waiting for you?
The ocean was calling me again... It was more than longing for the coastal air, the velvety warm sand, and the majesty of the crashing ocean waves. God's Spirit summoned me. It is where I met Jesus and it is where I return for my solitude with Him. So, when I 'feel' the whisper in me growing in intensity, I go.
Solitude with God was a must. There was a special conversation I wanted to have with Him concerning my soul mate.
Hmmm...Saturday or Sunday? Northern coast or Pacific Grove?
As I pondered all of this, the Lord went before me and even spoke to the heart of a friend.
Suddenly I had an invite to a three day women's conference which started Sunday evening. Where? At The Carpenter's House in Seaside, of course! As my friend began to describe the details, I knew I had to be at this conference. How interesting that Holy Spirit spoke to HER soul mate who nudged her to invite me.
Faith Women's Fellowship holds these retreats each year, led by a dear friend and sister in Christ, Barbara Donaldson. Over sixteen years had passed since I'd seen her. Barbara prayed over my sister when she met Jesus. A month later, Barbara officiated Jami's homegoing.
I KNEW God had something for me there and it was urgent.
The drive took me all the way to Pacific Grove. Spending the afternoon there was a blessed time. For the first time, I had a heart to heart with the Lord about my soul mate. Lying in the sand, I wrote my letter to Jesus about my future husband...
Another friend had advised me to begin by making a very specific list, so I thoughtfully listed some godly attributes. She also told me I should be prepared to meet the same criteria. These nuggets of wisdom continued to shine into my list as I continued to write.
As I thought about things we would do together, I wrote, "Drawn to worship at the ocean".

His eyes will reveal You. His heart will speak like You. His touch will feel like You. His love will draw others to You. He will be the spiritual authority in our home. His faith and his identity in You will be unwavering!
God's Spirit moved me to pray for protection and blessing over my husband. A genuine belief God is indeed preparing our paths so we may be united came upon me so strong. "Protect him, Jesus! As he seeks you, may he walk in obedience to the way you call him so he may find me. Guide his steps and let his heart hear mine."
Holy Spirit has my soul mate on a journey, as He does me. As a believer, we have guidance of Holy Spirit through God's perfect, complete revelation. His Divine wisdom offers us an invaluable advantage. We are foolish to think our wisdom (man's wisdom)is as good or better.
It was important to arrive at The Carpenter's House a bit early so I could have a few minutes of Barbara's time. What a blessing to have her share some tidbits of her memory of my sister from years ago. Barbara recalled some of Jami's moments before she received Jesus into her heart. My sister sat right next to Barbara in the front row. Since Barbara was the guest speaker, it was highly unusual for anyone to be seated there. Of course the Lord planted my sister right next to her. Barbara shared that Jami was just chattering away, telling her she did not know why she was there, aside from her sister (me) telling her she just had to come.
Barbara's face beamed and tears began streaming down both of our cheeks as she recalled how Jami's encounter with Jesus became the shining light of the entire retreat that year at Mission Springs. Surely, if the Lord had 'a moment' for me, this was it!
But no, there was more...
I arrived there alone and sat behind another woman who was also waiting for her friends to arrive. Irene turned to me and asked me where I was from. I told her I was from Sacramento because not too many people know of Fair Oaks. Irene was from Stockton. Irene also drives over an hour every other week to attend a wonderful spirit filled church in Sacramento. How perfect! Maybe we could go to church together some time! Yes, that would be delightful, she said. Actually, this little church is located in a town called Fair Oaks. You take Hwy 50 to the Sunrise exit. Are you familiar?
Am I familiar...Wow, Jesus, you are amazing!
Resurrection Life of Jesus Church is where I am supposed to visit very soon. Irene described this church as being filled with devout spirit-filled followers.
Irene and I were in awe, as you can imagine. We knew the Lord had appointed this very moment for us to connect. So, we continued to share all we could about our gifts, what the Lord had put upon our hearts, and what brought us all the way down to Seaside.
I believe the Lord sent Irene to deliver a very special message to me. While He was at it, there were tears of joy between Barbara and I. All of this after my intimate talk with Jesus about finding my soul mate.
As the program started, Barbara described the conference theme: "Jewels of God"
She shared this word put upon her heart..
You are His jewel and called to show forth His glory. You shine because of what the Lord has put in you. Release your faith to receive the Lord's abundant provision. Your reward in heaven will be those who you led to Jesus. They will be jewels in your crown.
Regarding the 'faithful remnant', "Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another,and the LORD listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the LORD and who meditate on His name. “ They shall be Mine,” says the LORD of hosts, “On the day that I make them My jewels. And I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him.” Malachi 3:16-17
"They will sparkle in His hand like jewels in a crown." Zechariah 9:16
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