Woman: The Flower in God's Garden by Jonathan D. Payne

Woman is the nurturer, the caregiver. She is the softer side of the love equation between man and woman. She has a resiliency in strength that a man does not. Man has brute force, a woman has endurance.

Together they can accomplish anything.

A woman is the flower in God's garden. It behooves her to be beautiful in more than features. Yes, man is a visual being, but a godly man should seek the inside of his mate more so than the outside. Why? Because the treasure of who she is, and whose she is, lies there—inside....

I remember a woman that I worked for almost 25 years ago. Carlena Vess. She was not an outwardly very attractive woman. She dressed magnificently, and had the kindest, softest speaking voice I have ever encountered. Anyone who knew her fell in love with her almost instantly.

Her husband and children adored her.

It wasn't the outside, it was the inside. She was a stunning beauty there, where it mattered most. And this is the call to the godly woman. Walk in the beauty of the spirit God has placed within you. His love, peace, joy, compassion, kindness, patience, and all things God, reside right within you.

Walk in the majesty of that beauty.

A man looks upon a woman first through the eyes of the world, looking for the beauty the world follows. A man of God looks upon a woman with eyes that have been trained to see the fire of a woman's heart for God. The peace of her presence, the beauty of her soul.

If man sings a song before God's throne, then woman is the melody.

She tempers a man. She brings peace when he is in crisis or angry. A woman of worth is of worth regardless of a man in her life, but the two together are a symphony of love that can not be uttered, or joy so sweet it can only be shared between the two.

A godly woman encourages her husband, family, and those around her, to be better, be wiser, be more kind, tempered and peaceful, just by her presence alone.

She calibrates everyone's life by the stature of her being, the sweetness of her joy and the depth of her faith.

A godly woman nurtures her family. She tends the wounds of the heart and the body. She dries the tears and shares the laughter. Within her is reflected the character of those she loves, and the power of that love...

A woman of God is a formidable soldier in God's army. Emotionally she is stronger than man, and walks paths that he is ill equipped to tread. She can confront and overcome obstacles that would give a man of God pause.

She is the wave of the ocean to man's rock; each strong in their own way, but together they can not be overcome.

A gift of this woman's love is priceless, and can not be shared. She loves HER man, and him alone. A man who is blessed with the treasure of this love feels, and rightly so, that there is nothing he can't do, and nothing he can't conquer. All because of her love for him.

Her children are blessed, and are full of life, hope, joy and an unbreakable connection to God. She gives this connection and nurtures it within her children, her husband and her home. She is the lifeline of the spiritual wholeness of her family.

A godly woman is a "pearl of great price" and a dream that men have had all the days of eternity. A man yearns for this kind of woman, and seeks it constantly. For he instinctively knows that his life will not be fully complete until he has found her, won her, and lavished all he is upon her.

For her there is nothing that he would not do.

It is here that God binds the two together, the godly man and woman, in covenant as one flesh before His throne. It is God's pleasure to give such a gift divine, one to another, of a truly godly man and godly woman.

To express His joy and love fully one to another.



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