Fellowship and Scum of the Earth (Pt 1)
"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." Acts 2:42-47
Luke tells us in the book of Acts how believers lived in FELLOWSHIP with one another and hung onto the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles. Followers of Christ were committed to living life with like-minded believers. They supported one another, breaking bread together each day. They lived life together, opening their homes to one another. In this passage, the fellowship of believers was modeled for all followers of Jesus Christ.
We can see that something is missing from Christianity today. Where did we go astray?
I do not know where it was all lost but the Holy Spirit, by God's grace, is showing many of Jesusā disciples how life in Christ should be lived. More of us are led outside the walls of our church buildings to walk alongside one another and gather in prayer. It is sad to say one of my fellowship groups can seem to fit only one Saturday each month to come together to break bread. Only one Saturday! Each of us is busy with our individual lives and serving in other areas.
Was it that we lost those things we had in common?
The root of the word āfellowshipā means āto have something in common'.
Who has much in common these days?
Many Christians are too guarded because we are wounded and are wearing masks to hide who we really are. Of course it is going to be difficult to find something in common with another if you are unable to be yourself. This is a matter of ātrustā and allowing God to partner us with those He intends to fulfill the purpose for which we are called.
As Jesus has freed me from the shame of my past, He has led me to talk to groups of men and women about embracing their past in order to bear witness to the miraculous things God has done in their life. This is their testimony. Once these breakthroughs occur, we discover we have something in common. God will hear your cries for significant relationships; those with whom you have a common past or common hurts. We are drawn to one another just as Jesus draws us to His heart. We āknowā one another just as we āknowā Christ and He āknowsā us.
This inner aspect of fellowship may be seen in verses such as 1 Corinthians 1:9 āGod is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.ā
Here, fellowship primarily focuses on our spiritual unity with Christ, an inner relationship.

These scriptures also emphasize the inner relationship which is at the root of fellowship.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14
If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Philippians 2:1-2
Here is an excellent article 'What is True Biblical Fellowship'
Fellowship is primarily an action word! Koinonia is used nineteen times in the New Testament and in addition to being translated as āfellowshipā it is also translated by the words, ācontribution,ā āsharing,ā and āparticipation.ā A close study of the usage of this word shows that action is always included in its meaning.
Fellowship, is not just being together, it is doing together! This is a point almost universally ignored by Christian groups today.
Fellowshipā is a unique relationship with Christ. We have a relationship of being āin Christ.ā We also have a relationship of being āa part of Christās body.ā Fellowship is neither. It is not ābeing inā or ābeing partā but it is ādoing withā Christ. It is our partnership with Christ in fulfilling Godās will.
Finally, fellowship is not just doing anything together. It is only doing Godās will together.
Fellowship is the indispensable means of accomplishing the God-given purpose of the church.
It is an interdependent relationship on many levels. Our fellowship with others is only as good as our fellowship with Christ, our unity. And we can only participate with Him in doing Godās will, for that is all He ever does! For this reason we must quit thinking of Christian fellowship as primarily doing things such as having pot lucks, BBQ, playing basketball or having movie nights with other believers. These have their place but they are only fellowship to the extent that rest, exercise, and eating are doing the work of the Lord. Fellowship involves actively doing Godās will.
Please continue to (Pt 2)...
Luke tells us in the book of Acts how believers lived in FELLOWSHIP with one another and hung onto the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles. Followers of Christ were committed to living life with like-minded believers. They supported one another, breaking bread together each day. They lived life together, opening their homes to one another. In this passage, the fellowship of believers was modeled for all followers of Jesus Christ.
We can see that something is missing from Christianity today. Where did we go astray?
I do not know where it was all lost but the Holy Spirit, by God's grace, is showing many of Jesusā disciples how life in Christ should be lived. More of us are led outside the walls of our church buildings to walk alongside one another and gather in prayer. It is sad to say one of my fellowship groups can seem to fit only one Saturday each month to come together to break bread. Only one Saturday! Each of us is busy with our individual lives and serving in other areas.
Was it that we lost those things we had in common?
The root of the word āfellowshipā means āto have something in common'.
Who has much in common these days?
Many Christians are too guarded because we are wounded and are wearing masks to hide who we really are. Of course it is going to be difficult to find something in common with another if you are unable to be yourself. This is a matter of ātrustā and allowing God to partner us with those He intends to fulfill the purpose for which we are called.
As Jesus has freed me from the shame of my past, He has led me to talk to groups of men and women about embracing their past in order to bear witness to the miraculous things God has done in their life. This is their testimony. Once these breakthroughs occur, we discover we have something in common. God will hear your cries for significant relationships; those with whom you have a common past or common hurts. We are drawn to one another just as Jesus draws us to His heart. We āknowā one another just as we āknowā Christ and He āknowsā us.
This inner aspect of fellowship may be seen in verses such as 1 Corinthians 1:9 āGod is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.ā
Here, fellowship primarily focuses on our spiritual unity with Christ, an inner relationship.

These scriptures also emphasize the inner relationship which is at the root of fellowship.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14
If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Philippians 2:1-2
Here is an excellent article 'What is True Biblical Fellowship'
Fellowship is primarily an action word! Koinonia is used nineteen times in the New Testament and in addition to being translated as āfellowshipā it is also translated by the words, ācontribution,ā āsharing,ā and āparticipation.ā A close study of the usage of this word shows that action is always included in its meaning.
Fellowship, is not just being together, it is doing together! This is a point almost universally ignored by Christian groups today.
Fellowshipā is a unique relationship with Christ. We have a relationship of being āin Christ.ā We also have a relationship of being āa part of Christās body.ā Fellowship is neither. It is not ābeing inā or ābeing partā but it is ādoing withā Christ. It is our partnership with Christ in fulfilling Godās will.
Finally, fellowship is not just doing anything together. It is only doing Godās will together.
Fellowship is the indispensable means of accomplishing the God-given purpose of the church.
It is an interdependent relationship on many levels. Our fellowship with others is only as good as our fellowship with Christ, our unity. And we can only participate with Him in doing Godās will, for that is all He ever does! For this reason we must quit thinking of Christian fellowship as primarily doing things such as having pot lucks, BBQ, playing basketball or having movie nights with other believers. These have their place but they are only fellowship to the extent that rest, exercise, and eating are doing the work of the Lord. Fellowship involves actively doing Godās will.
Please continue to (Pt 2)...
There is social fellowship and then those that are connected through the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit. I have learned these are two separate things. Going to read the postings you have. One that is the body of Christ in relationship with all things in common, over coming sin and living in Christ for the sole purpose of taking the gospel with all that they had to share together, what ever gifts were provided by the Holy Spirit.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very important factor to consider because we are living among great turmoil and the body of Christ is United and they don't stand in divisions and arguments. Even though we differ, according to our own thoughts that are not his, Christ rules and reigns above our thoughts and men arguing and wanting to be right only attacks the body of Christ and does not strengthen it. We lay our thoughts aside and consider Christ, dying to ourselves and taking on him. He told us exactly what to do and it is simple to me now that he meant for us to follow this and to not be pleaser's of men. Going to read what you have posted. I know among us three in this discussion we have great compassion for those that do not know Christ.
These are the very reasons I will not argue the concept of religion as there is no good that will come from it. Only to divide the brethren. I feel the Holy Spirit brings understanding through the word of God and from what I have discovered through this and other believers alike is there is understanding and much fruit brought forth when we can be real with one another, confessing our sins, one to another and lifting each other up in prayers and concern. The Holy Spirit always brings conviction through studying alone and also in fellowship with other believers. We are walking and sharing and having love towards one another which creates a bond of trust and a wall that brings us to a humbling time of prayer to repent and to be restored through the renewing of our minds.