You Are So Good To Me

Trusting God and growing my faith is ongoing in my walk with Christ. Earlier this year I realized what an incredible companion He really is to me. Think about that word, Companion:
■To accompany another
■One who shares interests or activities with another
This is who Jesus is to me; my Companion. As I heard at a retreat not so long ago..
"We walk with our arms locked"
This season of change in my life has come with powerful revelation and healing. The Holy Spirit told me through scripture and through His fellowship upon my heart that I'd be moving from my comfort zone. I discovered the gifts He has equipped me with in my job and in truth through the power of the Holy Spirit are meant to be used elsewhere. God was moving me from my job of nearly three years without a regular job to replace it. How on earth was I, a single mom, going to leave my job just like that? Sounds a bit reckless...
Well, through this realization came echoes to trust Him. The Lord repeatedly echoes Psalm 139 into my life. At one time, in one evening, two different people shared pieces of this Psalm.
Psalm 139:5-6 "You hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain."
Psalm 139:7-10 "Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." .
I knew God was moving me from my job and I experienced uncertainty and fear for awhile. It is at this time this Psalm kept coming to me. I was drawn deeper into my relationship as the Lord revealed He is my Divine Fiancee'. He is my provider who has and will protect me.
The Holy Spirit has orchestrated opportunities to step out in faith and use my gifts to fulfill God's purpose for my life. Many of you have prayed with me, for me, encouraged me, and spoke word into my heart.
It was a struggle for me to let go of my secure desk job. Though I felt the time drawing nearer to do so, the Holy Spirit fulfilled a desire of my heart to teach a workshop at my church; not just once, but twice. Yesterday I scheduled my third teaching.
God wants me to do a few things as I trust Him and follow His lead:
He wants me to return to those I 'know' and glorify Him. This includes building a bridge for the unwanted, the ones with tattoos, a prison record, and unpedicured toes; the ones carrying shame and unworthiness, so that they may be welcomed with open arms, without judgment or image profiling, as they seek refuge within the body of Christ.
He wants me to wash some feet.
He wants me to minister within the Body of Christ. Today, it is to encourage the cultivation of authentic relationships; removing masks, trusting God and others with their shame concerning their own prison, adultery, hurts or abuse. He is simply orchestrating the opportunities, then asking me to be obedient. He has a plan to fulfill through me.
"Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun." ~ Psalm 37:4-6
God is showing me His faithfulness and sharing His heart's desire.
Another dream or desire was to become an independent grant writer. This would enable me to be released from the bondage of a desk job. I could do this work from anywhere and use my gifts and put my hands and feet to the things I love and carry great passion for. Writing grants, ministering to others about authentic and sacred relationships, and what else? Trusting God. This message was not just for others to hear, but it was a focus for me in a very intense time. It is reckless abandonment for Jesus.
"The Lord will keep you from all harm -- he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore." — Psalm 121:7-8
If He is proving His arms are locked with mine and I can feel and see Him right here, I must trust He will do the same with my grant writing and providing for my financial needs. I must trust He will simply fulfill this need, as He always does. With that said, I've been tossing these ideas around about forming a non-profit meant to support other non-profits. I must learn how to go about doing this and I even have thought of a name for it.
"He tends His flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those that have young." ~ Isaiah 40:11
Two days before my work at Powerhouse came to an end, I received a call from a man who is in need of a grant writer. This was not solicited, but through word of mouth. How exciting to receive confirmation that I am walking in the Lord's will! Oh, and it gets better!
The morning of my last day, a sister called me out of the blue to pray for me. When I left my job, there was no panic or worry. The peace that surpasses all understanding took hold and I walked away knowing everything was going to be taken care of.
The very next day after my job ended, one of my pastors called me. He had no idea what had transpired, though I've been meeting with him regularly for his counsel. He prayed over me and asked me to teach in his ministry. ~ Do you see how rapidly things are stepping up here?
After that call, I received another call from this gentleman who I am meeting with next week to start my first independent grant research assignment. The same evening, a friend advised me to form a non-profit to support other non-profits. I told him that was actually what I was planning to do. Hmmm...
One of the greatest things about all of this is there are witnesses who are observing God at work! They are seeing evidence of how real and powerful our sovereign God really is. One of them is my daughter. She gave me a kiss, which was the first one I'd received in a very long time.
This is only two hours before I have to be at my church for my weekly 12-step group meeting. All the way there I kept telling myself, "This is simply a night of thanksgiving and praise!"
When I arrived at the church, a friend was there with a group of students. She proceeds to tell me that I've been on her heart all week. She also tells me she is enrolling in a certificate program "Non-Profit Management" and suggested I sign up. I was standing there, speechless. HA! Only for a minute though. When I told her the rest, she was just in awe of God's power as I
Do you feel the Holy Spirit chills? We did!!
Sharing these events with my sisters in Christ before we settled into our worship time was a highlight. To give God all the glory and to humbly submit to His calling is the highest position I could hope for. God is good to me, and He uses each of you to reveal His goodness. I am so thankful for my amazing family as we travel as companions In Christ over the mountains and through the valleys.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord; plans for good, not evil. Plans for a future and hope." - Jeremiah 29:11
Down South we call those Holy Ghost bumps, and there is nothing quite as confirming as being enveloped by those. Praying for you in your new, God-leading endeavor. Love and blessings.