Divine Interventions and Matters of The Heart

Though I get all giddy about the thought of God making all the preparations for our meeting, I know He is my divine matchmaker. I am leaving the choice to Him, and Him alone. The Lord knows the desire of my heart, to remarry. He knows I am weary of walking through life without a godly man by my side.
My first marriage ended in divorce eleven years ago. Then, after many years of following the desires of my flesh, the Holy Spirit finally delivered me from relationship and sexual addiction. These strongholds developed as a child, and grew in intensity as I matured. The years of child sexual abuse, coupled with rapes, lead me to believe sex was the way to love and acceptance.
By God's grace, my hunger for love is now directed toward His love. Once I touched the hem of His garment, Jesus faithfully and consistently assured me that He is all I need. How foreign to not have a man in my life for nearly three years! Oh, but I have! Jesus, the lover of my soul, comes to me with love like no other. He reminds me the physical touch and companionship of a godly man will come.
When I hear these reminders and encouragements from within my soul, it does bring me peace. There are days, though, when I just cry out to God out of weariness of walking through life without the companionship of a man. Recently, as I was driving home from work, I was overcome with that longing for the companionship of a male friend. As I cried tears and pleaded to God to just send me a friend, He reminded me HE is my friend. "Yes, I know that Lord! BUT..."
"Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass." ~ Psalm 37:4-5
Well, he did hear my prayers and sent two of them! It makes such a huge difference to have friends of both genders. It is even more remarkable to me to be able to have friendships with men without sexual expectations or desires. Hugs are ok and feel GREAT! Man, those hugs are comforting! So, I am so thankful for my 'boy' friends. How awesome for the Lord to reveal to me that He has delivered me from those strongholds so I may now enjoy healthy relationships with men.
The Lord has also provided me teaching on relationships, and has walked me through some of the choices in past relationships. Honestly, after doing that work, I could never see me making those same unhealthy, destructive choices. However, there is my flesh; the part of me that does not know how to make the best choices, especially in this area.
"History, despite it's wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again." ~ Maya Angelou
We can run from the thought of reliving the pain, or lean into it and have a supernatural encounter with God. That is what happened to me. Through it, the Lord revealed deliverance from those things which held me captive to those choices which led only into darkness. Or, maybe it was darkness that was leading me to choose what I did. I believe that above anything else, actually.
Since the last toxic relationship ended, I've pretty much hidden beneath the wings of the Almighty. The desire for a man's love was removed as the Holy Spirit replaced it with a deeper longing for more of JESUS! Now, as I've realized the healing I've received, I feel ready to open myself up to the possibility of having a man enter my life. It is all part of God's divine plan; His preparation.
"A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her" ~ Maya Angelou
God is also watching my back as I venture out into this new chapter of my life. He always has my back. The difference today is that I see what He is doing right before my eyes. Miraculously, the Holy spirit actually draws my attention, and my intentions, to God. The Lord protects me along the way with His covering. The one thing I know is this... The man God intends for me will come by the power of the Holy spirit. If I know this and believe it with all my heart and soul, God certainly put it there. So, there is no doubt that this man will seek God in order to find me.
Having a man show interest in me is of course the first sign. Oh, boy. Have I had the wrong men show interest in me in the past. In my weakness, lack of self-worth, and addiction to love, I responded to them, and welcomed them into my life. More times than not, I was the pursuer, though subtly and seductively.
This leads me to a divine intervention which took place recently...
Of all places, the scene is set in traffic court. The line to check in was very long. Standing a the end of the line was a tall, handsome, rugged man, wearing a western hat, suede coat, jeans, and work boots. He also wore a very nice smile, which he warmly greeted me with. We made eye contact and it was comfortable for me. That conveys alot in itself, since I'd developed the tendency to avoid eye contact with men I do not know.
Standing behind him in line was interesting as I watched how he moved his attention from person to person as they walked by. Eventually, he joined a conversation I was having with the gentleman standing behind me. Over the two hours, we came to know each other's name. Ralph and I shared smiles and mints while we learned about why we each of us were at the traffic courthouse. He looked for me in the courtroom and claimed a seat next to me. We both checked for wedding rings and even made it clear we were both single parents. I brought God up in our conversations throughout the two hours. What I discerned was Ralph is a lukewarm Christian.
The greatest commandment, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." - Mark 12:30, is 'Godly Man Characterisitic #1'.

Do you think that kept me from wanting to share a cup of coffee with him? No, my flesh wanted his company. As I waited for Ralph to come out to the lobby, a disabled woman asked me to assist her to the restroom. While walking my new friend to the restroom, the thought of missing Ralph flashed in my mind. During the walk to and from the ladies' room, my friend did not stop praising God! She shared about a miracle healing she received and about blessings poured upon her family. We praised God together and talked about what a blessed Christmas this would be for her to spend time with her grandchildren.
Enough time had passed for Ralph to finish up his business and leave the courthouse. I was really in disbelief of what actually took place as I sat in my car. As I reflected and prayed about the past couple hours, I felt a peace fill my heart. The Holy Spirit whispered to me how God had not crossed our paths for anything more than to glorify Him. In order to protect me from yet another mistake of the flesh, the Lord sent this angel to prevent me from diverting from His plan for me. His plan is to bring me together with a godly man who is sold out for Christ; not with someone whose faith is lukewarm.
A "Lukewarm Christian" is an unsaved person who thinks they are saved. They are someone who is indifferent, and half-hearted about Jesus. They are what the Bible calls, 'Carnal'. The Word "Carnal" is from a Greek Word "sarkikos", which means "Fleshly," or "Worldly".
The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 8:6, "For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." (NKJ)
A Lukewarm Carnal "Christian" is not Sold Out For Jesus as Jesus commands us to be in Mark 12:30, Matt 10:37-39, Rev 3:15-20, etc. They Compromise with the Worldā they have One Foot in the World, and One Foot in God's Word (Rom 12:2). They call themselves a Born Again Christian (John 3:3, 2 Cor 5:17), but they deceive themselves (2 Tim 3:13). Most lukewarm Christians look, act, and talk just like the World, and they are bearing NO good fruit for Jesusā John 15:8, Matt 13:36-40, Matt 25:13-40, John 15:2-8 yet they call themselves Christians (Mark 7:6-9). Lukewarm people are not in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, live by God's Word, or God's Commandments. 1 John 2:3-6; 2 Thess 1:7-9; Rom 2:6-10; John 14:15; Luke 6:46-49; Rev 2:26; Matt 5:19; Eccl 12:13-1.
Yes, the Holy Spirit intervened by sending an 'Angel'. How many times has a complete stranger ever asked me to walk them anywhere? How many times has a stranger intercepted a meeting and praised God the entire time? This was a first. This was a divine intervention. Again, I have to tell what I have seen; it is biblical.
"We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done." ~ Psalm 78:4
"Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you." ~ Mark 5:19
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.ā ~ Acts 1:8
So, I wait with joyful anticipation in the Lord ~
I am speechless cherie....we are on the same boat...waiting for the right time and the Divine intervention because of the great distance i have with him and of course His will not mine.
ReplyDeleteI have made my commitment but still praying for His will if he is really the man God has put in my heart to love and serve and be equally yoked.
I am waiting and prayed hard for i too don't want to be miserable again if i go against His will.
Thanks for sharing this for it helped me a lot to see beyond where i am now.
You are really a blessing!
Cherie, what a powerful post! Yes, I see the fingerprints of God through that entire situation. This is what happens when we are sold out for Christ...isn't it amazing how we are so fine tuned to His workings in our lives? We see Him in everything! Thanks for sharing that most uplifting story! Keep your eyes and ears open (I know you are), cause he's a coming! So encouraging!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to share this on Twitter if you don't mind. Hope you had a very blessed and Merry Christmas! God bless you, my sweet sister!