A Brief Bio

Cherie LaLanne is a freelance writer, memoirist, novelist, and writer of inspirational poetry. Cherie’s passion for the written word came to her early in her childhood years. Inspired by her life experiences, Cherie’s writing brings inspiration, comfort, and encouragement to the reader. Her writing is concentrated on that which shares the Word of God, as it applies to the seasons of her life, and the message of hope and salvation through Jesus Christ. The testimonies disclosed in her writing are evidence to the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, and God’s almighty power.
Born into a family of Sicilian Mafia and outlaw bikers, all Cherie knew was violence, violation, and fear. Raised in San Jose, California, Cherie lived among the outlaw biker gangs, which dominated the San Francisco Bay Area during the 1960’s and ‘70’s. This lifestyle, compounded by years of child sexual abuse, emotional, and physical abuse, defined Cherie as an adult for many years. Eventually, her experiences led Cherie to seek peace and healing through complete surrender to Jesus Christ. Purpose and meaning to her life, spoken to her in a dream, is now realized through Cherie’s full time work in compassion ministry, as well as her writing.
Advocating the prevention of child sexual abuse and bringing awareness to the secrets of this pandemic are essential in Cherie’s life. Witnessing to survivors of sexual abuse, sharing the hope, healing, redemption, and restoration she’s received, is also a driving force in her call to ministry. Through participation in awareness campaigns, her writing, and sharing the message in the Word of God, Cherie lives out the purpose to which God has called her.
Cherie is a member of the Christian Writer’s Guild. In addition to writing, Cherie enjoys the wonder of parenting her beautiful and gifted daughter, who is also a writer. Photography, motorcycles, and retreats to the ocean are some of Cherie’s passions. She lives with her daughter in Fair Oaks, California, and works full time in ministry in Folsom, California. Cherie has the gift of evangelism and is devoted to telling her story to glorify God.
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" ~ Romans 10:14-15
Hello my friends ~
I have a few writing projects in the works. "Meeting The God of America", is one in which I am a contributing author. This book project belongs to author, Christian Schaal, with an anticpated publishing date later this year.
My primary writing project is a memoir/non-fiction work. The book title is 'Biker Blood: The Life From A Child's Perspective. The story is about living among the outlaw biker gangs of the 1960's, from a child's perspective; the years of abuse and neglect which consumed my childhood; how the lifestyle defined me, drew me in as an adult, including re-victimization; and finally, how I came to realize my true identity as a child of God.
How great of our Lord to give us assurance for our loved one's salvation. Thanks for posting this and for the reminder that God loves us all unconditionally, and His desire is for no man to perish. Yes, we don't know what happens to someone's spirit in a "sudden accident," or coma...whatever.