My Soldier's Cry For Help

This post came to me from out of the blue. I wish I could pinpoint how this memory returned to me. All I can think of is I just spent the past hour surfing the internet for words of hope for those who are feeling lost. This led me to thinking of a lost soul I met on the phone one night. I love how the Holy Spirit prompts us to speak for others.
Many years ago, I worked as an AT&T Operator. My employment was short-lived, and you'll undersand why in a second. Funny, seconds really matter as a telephone operator. When at the top of my game, I would answer close to 800 calls in a shift. This is one of the most stressful jobs I've ever held, for many reasons. If anything good came of my three short months of employment with AT&T, it is this one phone call. I will never forget it, because God never wants me to.
Half way into my swing shift, a call came in from a pay phone. When I answered, the man on the other end was crying for help. I was so caught off guard with his first cry for help, that I asked him to repeat himself. He didn't even hear me. His cries continued as he pleaded for me to help him. He begged for me to please make them stop forcing him to kill the babies. He told me he couldn't do it anymore. I made several attempts to offer assistance. I thought maybe if I connected him with a 911 Operator, they could get him someone to talk to. I looked for a suicide prevention hotline number. He kept crying. They're all dying! Make them stop!
Then he heard me...They won't help me. Nobody can help me! They keep letting this happen! No!...
The reality which overcame me at that moment was there was nothing I could do for him. I was not walking with Jesus in those days. "Sir, I finally said, I wish I could help you. I wish I could make it stop." The tears flowed as I realized this man was a soldier, still living in the midst of the horror of the Vietnam War.
The level of his cries softened a bit..then he hung up. Just like that, he was gone. Moments later, the red light on my screen began flashing. This meant my call was flagged by the department supervisor. You see, my call lasted over twenty minutes. I tried to calm and help this man for twenty minutes. He cried and screamed throughout that twenty minutes. I could do nothing. I did not even stop and pray, nor did I tell him of Jesus' love for him. I wish I would have known to tell him to run to Jesus. I did not know any better then. But today, I do. I pray for my soldier when God puts him on my heart. I pray that God will reveal himself and hold him in His arms.
During my verbal warning, my supervisor explained that I should have disconnected the call as soon as I realized what was going on. She told me my job was not to save people. She told me we can not save the world here. I just sort of stood there, stunned, in disbelief of what I was hearing. Sadly, this was the universal tone of this place. Though I spoke with over 800 people in a shift, this was the tone of AT&T. This job was not for me.
Jesus hears billions and billions of trillions of cries. He responds to every single one. It does not matter how long it takes to rid us of our demons and the madness of the world. He'll be there if we call out his name.
My soldier is who I think about each time I am reminded of Independence Day, Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, and every other holiday paying tribute to our freedom and to those who fought and died for it. Freedom is not free. My soldier died inside for it and our mighty soldier, Jesus, died for our eternal freedom. I pray my soldier has found Jesus amidst his cries for help. I stand and cry out on his behalf and trust Jesus responds.
Pray for our soldiers; those serving, those who have served and died, those who are dead inside, POW's and MIA, and for those clinging to their faith in Christ. Join me in prayer for the spiritual battle they endure.
Cherie, I read this tonight and at first started laughing at the thought of you trying to limit yourself on the phone with tons of people calling in for help. I also thought of how your problem with the attitude of AT&T was the same problem I had with the agency that fired me in November. I was constantly being chastised for "wanting to save the world".
ReplyDeleteThese thoughts quickly turned to sadness for your soldier, then hope knowing that he has had you lifting him up to our Father. I believe that you will see this man in heaven one day...I really do...and what a sweet meeting that will be.
Thanks for the affirmation that God created me the way I am for a reason. I might get in trouble a lot and I have to balance my desire to reach out and help "everyone" while I am on the job...but I pray I will never turn away from someone God places in my path for some help and matter if it cost me my job yet again.
Love you girlfriend!