Compassion for The Living Sign

Have you ever wondered why someone would stand on the corner, spinning and waving a six-foot sign? These 'living signs' are out there trying to grab our attention for hours, rain or shine.
My daughter and I happened to pass by one of them recently. He was dressed up as Uncle Sam, advertising for a tax firm. We were on our way to the bank. It was a very hot day, over 100 degrees. There is no air conditioning in our car, so errands are completed as quickly as possible on days like this. Thank God for the bottles of cold water, courtesy of our community bank. We grabbed a couple on our way out, for the ride back home. We noticed the living sign again, passing by him on our way to the gas station.
Mom, why don't we go back and bring that guy this water? He could probably use it more than we could.
My daughter's compassion was beautiful. What struck me moreso was how she put someone elses need above her very own. It wasn't just compassion; it was sacrifice and selflessness. What a gift to witness these fruits in our children.

"And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." ~ Matthew 25:40
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