Lover of Our Soul
Passion is a very large part of who I am. Just ask anyone who knows me. When it comes to a cause to defend, a time to protect my family, or a testimony to share, you will see my passion. It is a beautiful part of me, instilled by God, on purpose. Think about it for a minute. When was the last time you had to seek self-control in a situation where your passion was ignited? Our passion is a good thing. Sometimes it is abused, and sometimes it is restrained. When I think of passion, I immediately think of love, intimacy, and desire.
This leads right into today, which happens to be Valentine’s Day. Many are taking very special care in selecting the perfect Valentine card. This card must express the passion within the heart of the giver for the person who is to receive it. Our love, intimate thoughts, and the desires of our heart are shared. Sometimes it can take hours, and visiting several stores, before finally finding the perfect expression of our love. Today, millions will lavish their sweetheart with beautiful flowers, sweets, and sentimental gifts of love and commitment. Poems are written and songs are sung, honoring the hearts of our loved ones and lovers, with great passion.

What about our passion for Jesus, the lover of our soul? Our hearts should be filled with passion for our savior. Jesus loves on our hearts without ceasing. His unfailing, unconditional love is poured upon us through his mercy and grace. God knows our heart so intimately. He knows every desire contained in the deepest, most hidden places; some, of which, we have no idea are even there. He tends to our heart with love, healing, comfort, and joy. He brings peace to our soul with His spirit. He delivers and forgives without question. By his grace, we experience transformation, restoration, and redemption. He brings us to the holiest of places filled with beauty and wonder. We receive the desires of our heart with or without a prayer.
God shines his face upon our heart to bring forth a supernatural passion within us. We are called to love. All our God wants is our heart, and for us to love His Son in return. Our passion is not returned to the lover of our soul nearly enough. The gratitude and appreciation ignited by the gifts of the world seem to exceed the gratitude and appreciation for the gifts we receive by the lover of our soul. Why is that? How do we love Him with the passion worthy of a King?
Experiencing the supernatural passion for the lover of our soul is the key. Yes, we serve Him and march toward the expansion of His kingdom. We tend to the lost, the sick, and the poor. We care for the orphans and widows, and we love our neighbors. Is that enough? No, it is not. God wants us to have an intimate relationship with Him. He intends for the passion He gave us to be ignited for Him, first and foremost. It took me a long time to understand how to develop passion for God. I am talking about honoring Him with a longing so deep from within that your heart aches with joy. This includes a constant desire to seek the light shining from His face. That is the best way I can describe it.
I finally discovered this supernatural passion I speak of, and it came from a prayer I prayed one New Year’s Eve, five years ago. It went something like this…“God, I want more than anything to know what it means to have a personal relationship with you. I do want to love you with all my heart, my soul, and my strength. Please teach me how. Building an intimate relationship with you means more to me than any other resolution I could make for this new year. I surrender my life to you once again, Father.”
Well, this passion did not come overnight. The Lord knows the desires of my heart and He responded to me quickly. I recognized His love in those things and counted my blessings regularly. I praised Him in worship and during prayer. I studied humility, practically begging God to embed His humble spirit in my soul. My desire is to keep in step with the spirit, so discernment was another area I brought to the Lord in prayer. He responded faithfully, and I began hearing His whispers more clearly. My response to Him was to push into the things He was guiding me to do; the most important goal being to share what Jesus has done for me. Not only did he orchestrate where I was to do this over and over again, but he grew the urgency within me to act out His will.
Then, I was feeling as if there was something more that God wanted to restore in my life. I’ve been single for nearly ten years, and am at peace as I wait patiently on God’s best for me. However, I began feeling this need for relationship. So I created an opportunity to meet a man to see what God would do. Right away, I met someone who loves God so much that he is unable to contain it. Amazing! That was my only “criteria”, really. The only thing is we had not met in person. This meeting took place on the phone and we began our marathon phone calls, online chats, and emails.
God orchestrated this lovely man to live a distance away and work in another country for the next few months. During our chats, we began sharing God’s word, our love for Jesus, and prayed together. This was certainly a divine meeting of two souls, and God began revealing His work in me. I discovered deliverance from ugliness I’d carried in my heart for many years. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that God is preparing me for my future husband and He has done a good work in me already. He is restoring all things.
This revelation started a flood of worship to take place in my heart. One night, I worshiped in my bedroom for over two hours, just pulling up one worship video after another on the internet. When I woke the next morning, only one song, Revelation Song, by Kari Jobe, was still singing in my soul. How appropriate! What a celebration I had on the way to work that morning. The love cry began, and that is when the whisper of the Holy Spirit came. “Come, I am calling you into a deeper, more intimate relationship with me now.”
The rest of the week was filled with blessing upon blessing, as theLord manifested himself through the love of others. During this time, I reached out to a soul sister and righteous prayer warrior to ask for her discernment in my relationship with this new man in my life. She wisely advised me to speak and pray aloud every scripture on love and marriage that I could find. A couple days later, I attended an event to see an Apostolic Ministry Leader who was speaking at a nearby church. Hmmm..I knew God was up to something.
Suffice it to say, the evening was ordained by God in many, many ways. His love and passion for my heart and soul are everlasting. Worship, for me, was taken to a higher and deeper level. I found freedom in worship I’ve never experienced, yet longed for. This freedom released a passion from within during worship which was in bondage. There Jesus was, once again, blessing me with the desires of my heart. He knew what I was longing for. He knew it would result in a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him. It seems to me, though this journey spans over several years, that this is only the beginning of the passion I will share with our Lord Jesus. He is the lover of my soul. I feel such a peace in my heart and will selflessly remain passionate for Him in return, honoring Him, and loving Him from the deepest depths of my heart.
This leads right into today, which happens to be Valentine’s Day. Many are taking very special care in selecting the perfect Valentine card. This card must express the passion within the heart of the giver for the person who is to receive it. Our love, intimate thoughts, and the desires of our heart are shared. Sometimes it can take hours, and visiting several stores, before finally finding the perfect expression of our love. Today, millions will lavish their sweetheart with beautiful flowers, sweets, and sentimental gifts of love and commitment. Poems are written and songs are sung, honoring the hearts of our loved ones and lovers, with great passion.

What about our passion for Jesus, the lover of our soul? Our hearts should be filled with passion for our savior. Jesus loves on our hearts without ceasing. His unfailing, unconditional love is poured upon us through his mercy and grace. God knows our heart so intimately. He knows every desire contained in the deepest, most hidden places; some, of which, we have no idea are even there. He tends to our heart with love, healing, comfort, and joy. He brings peace to our soul with His spirit. He delivers and forgives without question. By his grace, we experience transformation, restoration, and redemption. He brings us to the holiest of places filled with beauty and wonder. We receive the desires of our heart with or without a prayer.
God shines his face upon our heart to bring forth a supernatural passion within us. We are called to love. All our God wants is our heart, and for us to love His Son in return. Our passion is not returned to the lover of our soul nearly enough. The gratitude and appreciation ignited by the gifts of the world seem to exceed the gratitude and appreciation for the gifts we receive by the lover of our soul. Why is that? How do we love Him with the passion worthy of a King?
Experiencing the supernatural passion for the lover of our soul is the key. Yes, we serve Him and march toward the expansion of His kingdom. We tend to the lost, the sick, and the poor. We care for the orphans and widows, and we love our neighbors. Is that enough? No, it is not. God wants us to have an intimate relationship with Him. He intends for the passion He gave us to be ignited for Him, first and foremost. It took me a long time to understand how to develop passion for God. I am talking about honoring Him with a longing so deep from within that your heart aches with joy. This includes a constant desire to seek the light shining from His face. That is the best way I can describe it.
I finally discovered this supernatural passion I speak of, and it came from a prayer I prayed one New Year’s Eve, five years ago. It went something like this…“God, I want more than anything to know what it means to have a personal relationship with you. I do want to love you with all my heart, my soul, and my strength. Please teach me how. Building an intimate relationship with you means more to me than any other resolution I could make for this new year. I surrender my life to you once again, Father.”
Well, this passion did not come overnight. The Lord knows the desires of my heart and He responded to me quickly. I recognized His love in those things and counted my blessings regularly. I praised Him in worship and during prayer. I studied humility, practically begging God to embed His humble spirit in my soul. My desire is to keep in step with the spirit, so discernment was another area I brought to the Lord in prayer. He responded faithfully, and I began hearing His whispers more clearly. My response to Him was to push into the things He was guiding me to do; the most important goal being to share what Jesus has done for me. Not only did he orchestrate where I was to do this over and over again, but he grew the urgency within me to act out His will.
Then, I was feeling as if there was something more that God wanted to restore in my life. I’ve been single for nearly ten years, and am at peace as I wait patiently on God’s best for me. However, I began feeling this need for relationship. So I created an opportunity to meet a man to see what God would do. Right away, I met someone who loves God so much that he is unable to contain it. Amazing! That was my only “criteria”, really. The only thing is we had not met in person. This meeting took place on the phone and we began our marathon phone calls, online chats, and emails.
God orchestrated this lovely man to live a distance away and work in another country for the next few months. During our chats, we began sharing God’s word, our love for Jesus, and prayed together. This was certainly a divine meeting of two souls, and God began revealing His work in me. I discovered deliverance from ugliness I’d carried in my heart for many years. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that God is preparing me for my future husband and He has done a good work in me already. He is restoring all things.
This revelation started a flood of worship to take place in my heart. One night, I worshiped in my bedroom for over two hours, just pulling up one worship video after another on the internet. When I woke the next morning, only one song, Revelation Song, by Kari Jobe, was still singing in my soul. How appropriate! What a celebration I had on the way to work that morning. The love cry began, and that is when the whisper of the Holy Spirit came. “Come, I am calling you into a deeper, more intimate relationship with me now.”
The rest of the week was filled with blessing upon blessing, as theLord manifested himself through the love of others. During this time, I reached out to a soul sister and righteous prayer warrior to ask for her discernment in my relationship with this new man in my life. She wisely advised me to speak and pray aloud every scripture on love and marriage that I could find. A couple days later, I attended an event to see an Apostolic Ministry Leader who was speaking at a nearby church. Hmmm..I knew God was up to something.
Suffice it to say, the evening was ordained by God in many, many ways. His love and passion for my heart and soul are everlasting. Worship, for me, was taken to a higher and deeper level. I found freedom in worship I’ve never experienced, yet longed for. This freedom released a passion from within during worship which was in bondage. There Jesus was, once again, blessing me with the desires of my heart. He knew what I was longing for. He knew it would result in a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him. It seems to me, though this journey spans over several years, that this is only the beginning of the passion I will share with our Lord Jesus. He is the lover of my soul. I feel such a peace in my heart and will selflessly remain passionate for Him in return, honoring Him, and loving Him from the deepest depths of my heart.
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