Worship Is More Than A Song

I've been thinking about how I show up to church lately. I'm not talking about the clothes I wear. I'm referring to my state of mind and my focus. All too often, I rush into Sunday services without preparing my heart. I go to church to worship among my brothers and sisters in Christ and for spiritual growth. 

How do I show up to worship my Savior? Normally, me and my husband make the twenty minute drive while listening to K-LOVE and often arrive early to church. This gives us time to chat with our church family and get settled in. What is the tone of the conversation I just had with my husband? What was I talking about with my friend in the lobby? There are brochures to read and registrations to complete for opportunities to serve and connect. It's very busy. It is even busier for those checking their children into class. 

We sit in the same general area then flip through the bulletin and the enclosed announcements. We say hello to more friends as we glimpse at the timer counting down on the screen...10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1. Worship time!

Does that sound like you too?

What prompted this, you ask? Well, honestly, it sort of hit me last weekend when I was flirting with my husband on the way too church. Hey, we're honeymooners!

I digress...

While browsing my newsfeed, I came across a post that read, "Make yourselves acceptable to worship the Lord." What does that even mean?

Did you know there is a right and a wrong way to worship God?

I was fascinated by this years ago when I could not let go of what Jesus said in John 4:23:

ā€œYet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.ā€

WHAAAT? God seeks specific types of worshipers? When I read that, I knew immediately I had to check my heart and become the type of worshiper He was seeking. I know it was Holy Spirit who put that heavy on my heart. So, worshiping "IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH" is the ACCEPTABLE way to worship.

God can and does reject worship if it is unacceptable. The prophet Isaiah wrote about how God rejected the fasting of the Israelites due to the quarreling and strife among them. Isaiah mourned as he contemplated his human condition before God. This is a much better way to approach the throne of God; with humility as I pray Psalm 139:23-24, "Search my heart, Lord, and show me what must be removed. Remove my anxious thoughts and grow me to walk in your ways." But this is more than a prayer; it is a prayer of repentance which should break my heart so Holy Spirit can transform it.

Purifying ourselves aligns our heart with God's heart. This is an ongoing process and requires obedience in dying of self daily. It could mean facing something we are convicted about. That is a good place to start. In Joshua 3:5, the Israelites were told, "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you." He was encouraging them to prepare their hearts before crossing the Jordan into the promised land.

Today, I'm adopting a new habit of consecrating my heart before worship. I'll compose my mind and heart to hear from God and prepare myself to respond in obedience. I'll bring Him more than a song and far less busyness. 

May my worship be acceptable to God.


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