A Response to Guidance in The Spirit

Your own ears will hear Him. Right behind you a voice will say, 
"This is the way you should go," 
whether to the right or to the left. 
Isaiah 30:21

When we put our faith in God's promises and truth over our life, we will be presented opportunities to use discernment, grace, love, humility, trust, and obedience. It is comparable to spiritual fitness as we exercise our faith muscles.

The Lord wants our eyes open to what is of Him and what is not. His desire is to reveal things in order to keep us walking the path He has prepared for us. He will go as far as sending a person to distract us from something intended to derail us. He will uncover things and shine light upon darkness so we can see our way much clearer.

Even as we remain steadfast in our devotion to the will of God, glimpses of 'wrong way' signs appear on our path. Temptations come. Deceit seduces and lures us toward something or someone in order to satisfy the desires of our flesh. I do believe God allows these opportunities to not only grow us but to reveal His glory.

Yet, Holy Spirit is behind us, whispering go right or left, guiding us in which direction to go. Matters of the heart and discerning God's best requires complete devotion to the lover of our soul and to follow Him. The outcome of these opportunities is determined greatly by our obedience to what the Spirit of the Lord is telling us to do.

I have learned through my own poor choices to ask God to close doors He does not intend for me to walk through. But when we ask something like this of Him, we also must be discerning so we know when that door is closing. More importantly, choosing to heed His counsel and guidance is what we are supposed to do. God is swift to answer and guide us if we will just listen.

Let us be forever grateful for the wisdom He imparts in us and to remain in His will so that we may experience all He has for us...for His glory!

Devoted ~



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