Captivated: My One Word Resolution for the New Year


"To pursue love is to run hard after God's heart. 
It is to get in His face every day.
Love grows by pursuit."

Early in December, I began considering my one word resolution for 2014. Closing my eyes and quieting myself to hear what mattered to the Lord, I heard 'Bride of Christ'. 

Bride, Lord? 

No, that's not it.

Then a friend shared Captivated. Yes, that's it! A bride is captivated by her bridegroom. He is much more captivated by his bride.

Now it was time to simply wait on the Lord to see what He would reveal first... 

Christmas Eve was rapidly approaching and I began searching for my most precious decorations. Our recent move was a bit easier than prior moves as I decided to give away many boxes of excess precious stuff. With a bit of disappointment, I quickly realized I'd donated a box of Christmas decorations I meant to keep! I scrambled to find my precious resin nativity set and some white lights that are covered with white metal filigree crosses.  Whheeew! I found them.  I quickly let go of the fact that my porcelain angels were gone along with other precious items.

Checking one last box labeled 'Christmas things', I came across a book I had purchased many years ago but had not yet read.  What was the book title? Captivating. 

A moment of confirmation. A moment of awe. A moment of wonder as I began thumbing through the chapters of this book that was clearly MY Christmas gift.

But this book is not about being captivated by our heavenly bridegroom. It is about the captivating mystery of a woman's soul.

Could it be that God is equally captivated with our soul as He is having us captivated by Him?

"The King is enthralled by your beauty."  Psalm 45:11


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