Grateful for This Place of Undeserved Privilege
At times, we replay our past choices, mistakes, and misgivings in order to figure out if what we've done has caused where we are today. After all, there are consequences to our actions. Not only is this a life truth but a biblical Truth. As we attempt to discern how God has chosen to work out all things for our good, we must be careful not to fall into self-condemnation. Our adversary loves to seduce us into an oppressed state where we lose sight of God's promises for our life and all He has done.
For those who have walked the Twelve Steps, amends were made.
Step Nine: Make direct amends to the people you have harmed except when to do so would injure them or others.
What is an Amend?
But what about being right within our own heart? Do we embrace His grace, this place of undeserved privilege, with utmost humility, confidence, and hope? If we do, our role now is to glorify Jesus for what He has done!
One of the most difficult undertakings for anyone walking the Twelve Steps is Step Four: Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
In my walk, God had already done a mighty work in my life by the time I decided to commit to this Twelve Step journey. The last thing I wanted to do was to relive the past after having worked through most of these things already. I had to stop and ask the Lord WHY I was there. He revealed it was my purpose to glve Him glory for the things He had done in my life. So, as I approached each item of my moral inventory and relived the painful memories of my past, I did just that. I told GOD's story! Amen! This perspective changed my complete outlook on this process. Though the tears came anyway, most of them were tears of joy and gratitude.
And life goes on....
The reminders come...
During a recent discussion on the subject of marriage, guilt and regret flooded my mind as I recalled moments leading up to my divorce. Even fifteen years later? I had already worked through this with the Lord.
I thought.
He had more to reveal.
Over the years, including the recent discussion I mentioned, the attack on my mind led me to believe that I blasphemed Holy Spirit by not trusting what appeared to be a move of God in my ex husband's heart. What Holy sorrow came over me!! My pride actually had me thinking that my distrust kept my ex-husband from being saved!
When I took this to the Lord in prayer, I was flooded with His reassurance in many ways.
"above all, beware of letting go the spirit of Peace because of your Faults. Humble yourself before God because of them, repent, make such reparation for them as you are able, and then do not Dwell upon them any more. It is often mere pride which frets at finding itself beset by the same often renewed faults, and at its lack of spiritual progress. Do not deceive yourself into the belief that such disquiet is humility. A really humble soul accepts its faults with patience, and goes afresh on in confidence and hope." ~ Jean Nicolas Grou (1731-1803), The Hidden Life of the Soul, London: Rivingtons, 1870, p. 147-148
Whatever my role was in my divorce, amends were made. Peace poured down. This was a blessed reminder to walk forward with hope and confidence in the promise of restoration and glory to come from it all.
And don't you just love when Holy Spirit moves someone to share a Word with you? Again, right at the perfect moment when I needed to hear:
"Therefore, since we have been made right in Godās sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing Godās glory." Romans 5:1-2
For those who have walked the Twelve Steps, amends were made.
Step Nine: Make direct amends to the people you have harmed except when to do so would injure them or others.
What is an Amend?
- Self-correction / Sanctification
- Forgiveness of others and self
- Restitution
- Apology and Repentance
But what about being right within our own heart? Do we embrace His grace, this place of undeserved privilege, with utmost humility, confidence, and hope? If we do, our role now is to glorify Jesus for what He has done!
One of the most difficult undertakings for anyone walking the Twelve Steps is Step Four: Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
In my walk, God had already done a mighty work in my life by the time I decided to commit to this Twelve Step journey. The last thing I wanted to do was to relive the past after having worked through most of these things already. I had to stop and ask the Lord WHY I was there. He revealed it was my purpose to glve Him glory for the things He had done in my life. So, as I approached each item of my moral inventory and relived the painful memories of my past, I did just that. I told GOD's story! Amen! This perspective changed my complete outlook on this process. Though the tears came anyway, most of them were tears of joy and gratitude.
And life goes on....
The reminders come...
During a recent discussion on the subject of marriage, guilt and regret flooded my mind as I recalled moments leading up to my divorce. Even fifteen years later? I had already worked through this with the Lord.
I thought.
He had more to reveal.
Over the years, including the recent discussion I mentioned, the attack on my mind led me to believe that I blasphemed Holy Spirit by not trusting what appeared to be a move of God in my ex husband's heart. What Holy sorrow came over me!! My pride actually had me thinking that my distrust kept my ex-husband from being saved!
When I took this to the Lord in prayer, I was flooded with His reassurance in many ways.
- He reminded me that the seed fell upon bad soil; a prideful heart will not receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This gives me peace knowing I discerned correctly.
- This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! 2 Corinthians 5:17
- This quote came within moments on my newsfeed:
"above all, beware of letting go the spirit of Peace because of your Faults. Humble yourself before God because of them, repent, make such reparation for them as you are able, and then do not Dwell upon them any more. It is often mere pride which frets at finding itself beset by the same often renewed faults, and at its lack of spiritual progress. Do not deceive yourself into the belief that such disquiet is humility. A really humble soul accepts its faults with patience, and goes afresh on in confidence and hope." ~ Jean Nicolas Grou (1731-1803), The Hidden Life of the Soul, London: Rivingtons, 1870, p. 147-148
Whatever my role was in my divorce, amends were made. Peace poured down. This was a blessed reminder to walk forward with hope and confidence in the promise of restoration and glory to come from it all.
And don't you just love when Holy Spirit moves someone to share a Word with you? Again, right at the perfect moment when I needed to hear:
"Therefore, since we have been made right in Godās sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing Godās glory." Romans 5:1-2
You are a pretty amazing woman. I stand in awe of the people that God has put in my path. In Christ service, Love, David