In Memory of my Dad! He's in the Place That's the BEST!!
Today is the seventh anniversary of my father's passing. Though it thrills me that He is in Heaven with the Lord, there are memories of the night his heart stopped beating that remain with us. I was not there when my dad's heart stopped. My step mom and two of their grandchildren were though. It was very scary for them; scary beyond words for two young children who did not only look to him as their grandpa, but also their father. Scary for his wife of over thirty years, who was more in love with him then than ever.
No words can comfort.
I have peace. This peace came from God's Spirit the night of my dad's passing. I was shown in a dream that he was in the arms of Jesus and that his family would be comforting one another in great sadness. My dad's spirit was watching me and my brother comfort one another in my dream. when I woke, I knew my dad was gone. When I went to my phone to call my step mom, there was a phone message from her. Rose said to call right away. Yes, he had gone home.
ND who comforteth like Him? Go to some poor, melancholy, distressed child of God; tell him sweet promises, and whisper in his ear choice words of comfort; he is like the deaf adder, he listens not to the voice of the charmer, charm he never so wisely. He is drinking gall and wormwood, and comfort him as you may, it will be only a note or two of mournful resignation that you will get from him; you will bring forth no psalms of praise, no hallelujahs, no joyful sonnets. But let God come to His child, let Him lift up his countenance, and the mourner's eyes glisten with hope. Do you not hear him sing—
"'Tis paradise, if thou art here;
If thou depart, 'tis hell?"
You could not have cheered him: but the Lord has done it; "He is the God of all comfort." There is no balm in Gilead, but there is balm in God. There is no physician among the creatures, but the Creator is Jehovah-rophi. It is marvelous how one sweet word of God will make whole songs for Christians. One word of God is like a piece of gold, and the Christian is the goldbeater, and can hammer that promise out for whole weeks. So, then, poor Christian, thou needest not sit down in despair. Go to the Comforter, and ask Him to give thee consolation. Thou art a poor dry well. You have heard it said, that when a pump is dry, you must pour water down it first of all, and then you will get water, and so, Christian, when thou art dry, go to God, ask Him to shed abroad His joy in thy heart, and then thy joy shall be full. Do not go to earthly acquaintances, for you will find them Job's comforters after all; but go first and foremost to thy "God, that comforteth those that are cast down," and you will soon say, "In the multitude of my thoughts within me Thy comforts delight my soul."
My hope and prayer is that my step mother, niece, and nephew, and all of the rest of my loved ones reading this know the comfort of the and always.
Here is how dad would ask us to remember him.....For you Dad!!! We love you!!! Thank you Jesus for taking Him to the place that's the BEST!!
No words can comfort.
I have no idea what their heart is feeling or what thoughts they have on this day. I do not know if this day is any different than any other for my step mom and my niece and nephew. I do know it is different for me.
I have peace. This peace came from God's Spirit the night of my dad's passing. I was shown in a dream that he was in the arms of Jesus and that his family would be comforting one another in great sadness. My dad's spirit was watching me and my brother comfort one another in my dream. when I woke, I knew my dad was gone. When I went to my phone to call my step mom, there was a phone message from her. Rose said to call right away. Yes, he had gone home.
If the Lord had not come to me to comfort me that night, I would not have the peace I have today. He comforted me before I knew I needed Him. He comforted me in the following days.
This morning, I sought the Lord through the writings of Charles Spurgeon with hopes of reading something to minister to my heart on this day of remembrance. Isn't God just beautiful how He answers us and ministers to us in our hour of need! OUR DIVINE COMFORTER is the only source of complete comfort and peace!
This Morning's MeditationC. H. Spurgeon"God, that comforteth those that are cast down."—2 Corinthians 7:6.
If thou depart, 'tis hell?"
You could not have cheered him: but the Lord has done it; "He is the God of all comfort." There is no balm in Gilead, but there is balm in God. There is no physician among the creatures, but the Creator is Jehovah-rophi. It is marvelous how one sweet word of God will make whole songs for Christians. One word of God is like a piece of gold, and the Christian is the goldbeater, and can hammer that promise out for whole weeks. So, then, poor Christian, thou needest not sit down in despair. Go to the Comforter, and ask Him to give thee consolation. Thou art a poor dry well. You have heard it said, that when a pump is dry, you must pour water down it first of all, and then you will get water, and so, Christian, when thou art dry, go to God, ask Him to shed abroad His joy in thy heart, and then thy joy shall be full. Do not go to earthly acquaintances, for you will find them Job's comforters after all; but go first and foremost to thy "God, that comforteth those that are cast down," and you will soon say, "In the multitude of my thoughts within me Thy comforts delight my soul."
My hope and prayer is that my step mother, niece, and nephew, and all of the rest of my loved ones reading this know the comfort of the and always.
Here is how dad would ask us to remember him.....For you Dad!!! We love you!!! Thank you Jesus for taking Him to the place that's the BEST!!
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