Laying Down Your Dreams for God's Dreams

Many of us walk through life with bitterness and regret as we reflect on those dreams which were shattered or have not yet evolved. Disappointment and discouragement may steal the dream completely from our life. Worst of all, this creates a lack of purpose, a misconstrued sense of identity, or hopelessness in our mind.

Often, dreams will unravel if they are not centered in Godā€™s will for our life. Oh, He may allow us to go on for awhile and it may seem like the dream is progressing, giving us a false sense of purpose and hope. Then suddenly, everything changes. Hopefully, it draws us to God as we seek understanding.

Be assured that God takes good pleasure in giving back our dreams. He wants to bless us with the desires of our heart. 

Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him and He will help you. He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun. Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. ~ Psalm 37:4-7

Are you "desperate" for God? Seek His dreams, His will, for your life. If there is one thing I want you to realize today it is that God longs to give you the desires of your heart. He wants to see you dream big dreams that HE can be a part of. But with that, you have to do your part. You have to move past your mindset/inner critic and instead, start believing what He says about you and what He wants to do through you! 

Solomon prayed for wisdom and understanding; for discernment. 

"And God gave Solomon exceptionally much wisdom and understanding, and breadth of mind like the sand of the seashore." - 1 Kings 4:29 

God asked of Solomon the same questions He asks of us: "What do you want? What is your dream? 

"Wisdom is not just having a lot of knowledge; it is being able to love the things that God loves." 

My belief is that God gives us free will to get us to learn how to want what He wants; to dream His dreams. Do you want your life to be a blessing to others? Do you want your gifts to be used within the Body of Christ? Is that REALLY what you want and desire? We tend to pray for what we desire. Is it also God's desire? 

If you are in a dry place, know that your escape, your sanctuary can be found in the presence of the Lord. Spend time with Him. Ask Him to reveal His mysteries, His timing, and His destiny plan for you. Ask Him to give you His understanding of what you've gone through and how He will bring it all together in His due time, in His good pleasure. Ask Him to awaken you to His greater vision. Trust that He will show you specifics concerning your future. 

You will surely see that there will be no greater dream fulfillment, no greater plan, no greater intimacy, and no greater love for you. 

God takes good pleasure in giving back to us through His servant heart. He once spoke to my heart, saying that because I laid down my dreams and got involved with His dreams, He has gotten involved in my dreams and is giving them back to me in a way that is greater than I ever expected. 

I don't know that I've ever been more humbled or awed. Indeed, God rewards sacrifices of the heart that make room for Him to be first. And He showed me that He will reveal such mysteries to us through revelation if we take the time to get alone with Him and ask. 

God's good pleasure is linked with the fulfillment of His predestined purposes for us.
Our time, our hearts, our minds, our wills, our bodies, our dreams and our agendas are not our own when we are sold out to God. Let us remember that God created us for the purpose of fellowshipping with Him. We are to make Him our first priority, our first love. 

It gives God good pleasure when we praise, worship and honor Him throughout our destiny journey, even if it is done sacrificially. He delights when His plans and purposes are fulfilled through us, when we are a living testimony to His power, love and glory. 

Therefore, may we lay down every idol, every heartā€™s desire, turn from every temptation and say, "Yes, Lord. Have it Your way, no matter what." 

Many Christians stop short of the dream God has for them by focusing on the dreams of our worldly culture; owning our dream house, getting the car of our dreams, taking a dream vacation, landing our dream job... Even Jesus was tempted to stop short of God's dream and choose power and popularity, but He did not yield. He went all the way to the cross; the final destination in God's dream for Him. 

As we remember His sacrifice with grateful hearts, let us pray that we too can be discerning in God's dream for us. Let Him lead, but be sure to follow. 

Friends, may our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, fill your heart with His love through the power of the Holy Spirit, the giver of life. 



  1. What a beautiful post filled with His timeless truth! Blessed to have stumbled upon it and it has ministered to me greatly! X


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