As a Mother on Mother's Day

Mother's Day always brings a flood of thoughts and emotion to me. Maybe because of the many years I ached to experience motherhood. Maybe because I am so blessed with two beautiful mothers. Maybe because for most of my life my mother was the only one I could rely on.
My heart is joyful when I thank God for the gift of motherhood. When my miracle babe was only six months old, I told a friend I wished I could just stop the clock because I was enjoying that stage of her new life so much. My friend responded that every age offers something very special. Her words are so very true...
Now my six month old is sixteen years old. I still find myself wanting to stop the clock. Why is that? Because our bond brings me so much joy and in this moment is where I'd love to stay with her. However, watching her grow into a strong, vibrant young woman excites me! I know she will do well and I am looking forward to all the big things to come in her life!
Driving is on the agenda for this summer! Hmmm..
I am joyful as I reflect on the love of my own mother and step mom. I am indeed blessed!
My heart also grieves at Mother's Day; for those women who long for a child. I've been in their shoes and I know the pain. So, I hurt for them.
The unthinkable loss of a child presses upon my heart because my mother lives this heartache. It is unfathomable to me, so my heart cries for those who have endured this..
There are many without their mother and are devastated at the thought of celebrating Mother's Day. I have two nephews who lost their mother at a very young age. They grieve every Mother's Day as they wonder if their life would be any better had she lived to raise and love them.
There are those who never had a loving mother; only an abusive one. So they refuse to celebrate this day because it only triggers horrific and painful memories.
With that said, I am extremely blessed. To be a mother and to have two moms myself makes me pretty rich. Lord, I am grateful.
He will feed his flock like a shepherd.
He will carry the lambs in his arms,
Holding them close to his heart.
He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young.
Isaiah 40:11 NLT
He will carry the lambs in his arms,
Holding them close to his heart.
He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young.
Isaiah 40:11 NLT
In this Old Testament promise spoken by the prophet Isaiah, the Lord clearly states His commitment to guide and protect mothers and to care for their children. Surely the Lord loves our children even more than we do. What a wonderful encouragement for Mother's Day and always.
Wherever you are at...however this post speaks to you, my hope is that you know Jesus loves you. He is I AM and is ALL things. And YOU are His child.
Most Gracious Heavenly Father,
We thank You for our mothers to whom You have entrusted the care of every precious human life from its very beginning in the womb.
You have given to woman the capacity of participating with You in the creation of new life. Grant that every woman may come to understand the full meaning of that blessing, which gives her an unlimited capacity for selfless love for every child she may be privileged to bear, and for all Your children.
Watch over every mother who is with child, strengthen her faith in Your fatherly care and love for her and for her unborn baby. Give her courage in times of fear or pain, understanding in times of uncertainty and doubt, and hope in times of trouble. Grant her joy in the birth of her child.
To mothers You have given the great privilege and responsibility of being a child's first teacher and spiritual guide. Grant that all mothers may worthily foster the faith of their children, following the example of Mary, Elizabeth, and other holy women who follow Christ. Help mothers to grow daily in knowledge and understanding of Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and grant them the wisdom to impart this knowledge faithfully to their children, and to all who depend upon them.
Assist all "spiritual mothers", those who, though they may have no children of their own, nevertheless selflessly care for the children of others -- of every age and state in life. Grant that they may know the joy of fulfilling this motherly calling of women, whether in teaching, nursing, religious life, or in other work which recognizes and fosters the true dignity of every human being created in Your image and likeness.
We beseech You to send Your Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to all mothers who sorrow for children that have died, are ill or estranged from their families, or who are in trouble or danger of any kind. Help grieving mothers to rely on Your tender mercy and fatherly love for all your children.
We ask your blessing on all those to whom You have entrusted motherhood. May Your Holy Spirit constantly inspire and strengthen them. May they ever follow the example of Mary, mother of Our Lord, and imitate her fidelity, her humility, and her self-giving love. May all mothers receive Your Grace abundantly in this earthly life, and may they look forward to eternal joy in Your presence in the life to come.
We ask this through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, in the Heavenly realm...a world without end.
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