Our Greatest Advocate

If God is for us, who can be against us?
Romans 8:31

This summer, God moved me from my job. Months before, I knew in my heart I was supposed to let go of the security and look for something else where my gifts and talents would be used. The position I was in was changing and the things I was passionate about were going to be removed from my desk.

I knew that God was moving me into a bigger purpose. What I did not expect was having to move from our cozy little condo we were renting. Being a single mom without a job or home sounds pretty rough. For most it is. All I can say is God met every one of our needs and continues to do so. Friends opened up their homes and them, along with my family, helped us out financially so I would not lose my car and I could keep gas in it to get my daughter to and from school. God's faithfulness and His provision have blessed us immensely.

During my three years with this ministry the Lord equipped me for greater things. Grant writing became my primary focus at this job and I became familiar with other non profit organizations and ministries in the process. My heart for organizations that help the least of these has led me to forming a grant writing ministry. While waiting for the Lord to reveal my next steps, my focus remained solely on establishing myself among the non profit world as one with a passion and skill to locate resources to fund their God given mission.

In the meantime, I had to find employment while I launch this ministry. So, I registered with an employment agency. My first appointment with the owner of the agency went extremely well and we connected on a different level. She and I both have a heart for those engaged in humanitarian efforts. The Holy Spirit was working here... All along I trust and believed with all my being that God was planning something huge for me in the area of family, work, and ministry.

Within a few weeks, I received a call about a position working as a Human Resources Assistant for a rapidly expanding company. Of course I was interested! My interview was set up for first thing the next morning.

The interview with the HR Manager was very comfortable and I sensed how easily she and I would work together. Before I left, I was invited to a second interview with the owner's wife, who was relinquishing her HR duties to the person coming into this new position. Come to find out, she also used to write grants for a law enforcement agency. We also connected in this grant area.

All the while, God was also working on my living situation. This same week I was offered a home to move into by some dear friends. This took place on Thanksgiving Day!

First thing that following Monday, the employment agency called asking me if I could get to my third interview by noon! This interview was with the owner of the company. I simply knew the position would be offered to me. This is what came to my heart right away. It was already done; I was only going through the motions.

During the interview, I had an opportunity to share my passion for grant writing and supporting the community. I also had a chance to hear my future employer explain how my position would evolve, along with my income, as I applied exceptional work ethics and life principles to my job. Something clicked in my head during this interview. I had been settling for a life of survival vs a life of abundance for me and my daughter.

God was working behind the scenes this past several months and I was now witnessing the fulfillment of His plan in this interview. The position would be offered to me; I just 'knew' it!

The next morning I woke with these words singing in my mind, "And if our God is for us, then who could have ever stop us? And if our God is with us, then who could stand against us!" Romans 8:31!

To wake up with God's word playing over and over in my mind was just what I needed. I could not stop talking about the interview and many of my Facebook friends also knew the job would be offered to me.

Then, the enemy's 'what ifs' started attacking my mind. Of course they did. But God had already intervened with this song and His reassurance that His will be done! Romans 8:31 returned quickly to my mind. As I was reminded of this, I was chatting with a friend. God's presence was so strong and his voice so clear; His voice of Truth! The phone rang...the offer came right in that very moment.

God IS our greatest advocate.

After only a week into my new job, the owner called me into his office.

"Cherie, I want to start a foundation. You have experience in this area, right?"

Well, yes.

"With your grant experience and work with non profits in the community, you are the perfect candidate to spearhead this project. So, what I need from you is a plan. I need you to tell me about the organizations out there who are doing things that might fit in with the mission and purpose of my foundation. Our foundation. Can you do this?"

Suddenly my position as their new HR Administrator was much more. God has opened the door to the resources needed for those serving the least of these. Not only that, but I am working on both sides; with the grantor and for the grantees.

Amazing. Does God know what He is doing, or what?

Within the same period of time, I am also assisting with the launch of a biker church, Thunder Road Church!

So, what next, Lord?

A home...

He's got that covered as well. Today, He revealed He has a place for my daughter and me right away. Where? Back in the same condominium complex we had to move from a few months ago! Restoration! But it is really more than restoration.

This is what came to me as I was pondering all these things today..

There was a reason why I had to move. Someone needed my rental more than I did. God had lined up the very friends who would walk alongside me while He freed up my condo for someone else. I wonder what their story is...

The complex only has twenty-eight units. They are usually full. I was nudged to call the property manager, only to discover there was one unit that has remained vacant the entire time I've lived away from there. It is ready for me to move in.

It is all worked out and has been all along, just like He told me.


  1. Dear Cherie,
    I had to post this to my wall on facebook. What an exciting recounting of God's provision for the dream He gave you not so long ago. I am inspired to keep trusting God's own plan for my life. I am so grateful how God gives us testimonies like these to encourage us as we walk down similar paths. He understands our moments of discouragement and provides the inspiration we need to continue our journey with peace and faith in His love and care for us.
    I love you dear friend,
    Cindy Leigh

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  4. Cindy, the Lord has revealed so much more since I published this post. I've sought understanding as to why the past five months had me moving THREE times! It has been very difficult in many ways on both Angelica and me. At first I simply believed it was God's will to move me. But why would God move me all over the place and bring me back to where I started, at my apartment? I do not believe it was His will for me to leave there at all. I am writing more on this today. Then you will see what I am talking about. The free will we are given can take us outside of God's will but that does not always mean He will not be right there guiding us back on track and protecting us. Love you, girl!


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